
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

holy crap

Fuckin Big Dog Bill Clinton gets in a little slapfight with Chris Wallace. He's been getting pounded by the wingers at ABC/Disney for "not doing enough" to "get" Bin Laden. And he brings up an interesting, and pertinent point, which I've hammered on for five years:

AT LEAST HE DID ANYTHING AT ALL. Which is 100% more than what Bush and his idiot crew did for NINE FUCKING MONTHS AFTER GETTING IN OFFICE. THEY DID NOTHING. Clinton tried.

You remember what Bush was doing? MISSILE DEFENSE SHIELD. Remember that shit? Motherfuckers. 9/11 was his goddamn fault because he pulled government attention away from terrorism. He lied about what he was doing for the 9 months until the worst terrorist attack in our country's history.

Know what's better? He fucking did a curtain call a few years later in the idiotic crap surrounding KATRINA. remember when we saw the cronyism in his government appointments? "Heckuva job Brownie."

Mkay. I'm a little fucking pissed, still, 5 years later. The fact that Bush is still in office, and the country is reacting with such a huge, collective yawn to the incompetence, corruption, greed, and destruction they represent us to the world with, makes me want to just jump in front of a bus.


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