
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

palast on energy

not only does he find the truth, he says it in a clear and understandable way.
here's mccain and obama on nukes.
McCain's ready to spend a hundred billion dollars on nuclear power, no questions asked. But Barack Obama puts a crucial condition on his approval for building new nuke: an affordable method of disposing the new plants' radioactive waste.

That's not small stuff. While The New York Times reporters following McCain repeated his line about "inexpensive" nuclear power without question, a buried wire story on the same day noted that the Energy Department is putting the unfunded bill for disposing nuclear plant waste at $96.2 billion – nearly a billion dollars per plant operating today. And no one even knows exactly how to do it, or where. Obama has the audacity to ask about the nuclear waste's cost. "Can we deal with the expense?" he said on Meet the Press.

Go read everything he's got. send him some money too. no one will publish they guy in the states. he's...radioactive. radioactive with the truth. (groan)


At 10:45 AM, Blogger charles said...

"he's...radioactive. radioactive with the truth. (groan)"

ha... did you really just post that?


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