
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I can't believe prop 8 passed

O noez...fuk u xtian jrks!!!!!uno!!!!!!


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Ticktok said...

I can. Churches have a lot of money that they shouldn't be allowed to use for political weight, but they did. Proof found in that the myspace homepage was bought out for yes on prop 8 all last weekend and start of the week.

Also, with so many people turning out to vote this election, and it such a christian charged voting atmosphere, I'm not really surprised.

I also can't figure out if it's as big a deal as everyone thinks. As far as I understand it a homosexual civil union is still legal, and you get all the benefits and breaks of marriage, just without the religious connotation of "marriage".

People are quick to yell separation of church and state when church is stomping on state, but not so quick when it's the other way around, and that's what the two supreme court justices did when they rewrote the cali constitution, which is what necessitated prop 8.

It all comes down to semantics, because no one has gained or lost any rights.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger garth2 said...

wrong. many, many people, upwards of 18K, lost rights. the civil union and marriage are NOT equal, in any way. there are thousands of rights and benefits gained from marriage that you do not get with a a civil union.
nothing was "stomped" on the church with prop 8. churches got involved for i honestly don't know why. the reasons they claim make zero sense.

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Ticktok said...

could you show me where this is all written, cause I swear I have been trying to google the fuck out of this, and I can't find shit. I can't find much on what the two state supreme justices did that started this bullshit, and I can't find a lot on what the domestic partnership offers.

I know the domestic partnership doesn't transfer state to state, and that's fucked.

but I figure, if I can't find proper information on it to make an informed decision, then the amount of people just ranting off of what their "smart" friends are telling them has to amount to a bunch of fuck ups talking out their ass, gay or otherwise.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger garth2 said...

all i did was google "what's the difference between marriage and civil unions?"
I actually already posted this...some of my blogger comments are disappearing. annoying! wordpress time.

I'm not asking any smart friends about this at all. Loving v. Virginia
determined that people have freedom to choose their spouses without government intrusion. that right is being destroyed (i'd count it as one of the rights not spelled out in the Constitution that's reserved for the people). I feel zero sympathy or concern for the "what will we tell the children?!" ads. fuck them. we'll tell the children "They're married" and that's it. just like we do with hetero couples.

SO: not ranting. rights reserved for the people to choose who they wish to marry as established in Loving v. Virginia (and codified in the Ninth Amendment to the US Constitution) are destroyed by Prop 8. A small segment of the population is treated as less than human by this initiative. And for you libertarian types, it's yet another government intrusion on a contract between two consenting adults.

need more?


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