
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Friday, January 16, 2009

this morning

i was washing my hands in the bathroom here at work, and checked myself out in the mirror. i guess on the way in i'd splashed some coffee on my nose (i like it sweet and milky, like my men) and it had left a spot of brown on my schnozz (ha! ha!). i saw it and thought "SKIN CANCER!" and had a mini heart attack. then i touched it and my brain actually said "STICKY SKIN CANCER!" before I caught on.

what a weird feeling that was. i'm pretty fair-complexioned, so it's not outside the realm that i'll have to have something burned off my grill. my cousing already had it done, and my maternal grandmother did when she was alive. but for now...we wait.


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