Happy Birthday Darwin

Charles Darwin, b. 2/12/1809 d. 4/19/1882
Here's raising a pint to the greatest idea conceived by the mind of man.
Yes, he wasn't the only guy to come up with the idea, and current science would not be comprehensible at first glance to the man. But we as a species would not be wherever we are now without Darwin's rigorous, detailed, meticulous work. Truly a historical giant.
Cal Berkeley's "Understanding Evolution" page
I slept in a park in Berekeley when I was a teen. And spare-changed for a Fat Slice.
PBS's Evolution resource page
I watched "Judgement Day" last night, about the Dover trial. It was awesome and recommended. You can watch the whole thing online at that link. Do it.
Here's the complete text of The Voyage of the Beagle, one of the works that made Darwin famous in his time.
Oh yeah, here's pretty much everything else he ever wrote, including Origin.
I'm going to take time through the day to think about the man, the ideas, and the results. If you've never looked into his work, I'd recommend it, again. To me, he's one of the pillars of the amazing trip humanity, and life, has been on. These things drive me to honor life, to love the time I have, and try to do everything I can with it.
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