
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Monday, April 13, 2009

dear people who make the Nintendo DS spots:

The "I know you're gay because..." commercials are only funny if they're, you know, clever, and not depressingly moronic. whatever two annoying teeny pop-culture kids you dragged up in front of the camera prior to the inevitable fading of their already dim stars may have done outside of this, your creative team managed to make them into clowns. Useless, lame, boring, unimaginative clowns. If there is justice in the world, every time this ad airs DSi sales will plummet to zero, and the people involved in making it will be eventually killed by rabid hamsters. That's not a lot to ask is it?


At 9:28 AM, Blogger charles said...



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