anne coulter is a giant quivering tumor

That Anne Coulter has any pulpit from which to spew her hate and bile at all makes me doubtful of my countrymen's humanity. This shrill hypocritical ogre deserves nothing by disdain, yet she is fetishized by the very people who's life she mocks with her false words.
and of course, the cons just say "my word! she's not a real conservative!
You know, she is a real conservative, she's a real one in the sense that she is how conservatism, if there ever was such a thing, is practiced today. some old dead politician said something along the lines of "Conservatism is less a political ideology than a mental condition", and I still agree. None of these fools has shown themselves able to govern, none have shown an ability to look past the end of their own self-interest. they're reprehensible, and they're WINNING.
So we're fools or liars, you and me. We're fools in that we refuse to fight, or are too dumb to articulate our points, or too blinded by outrage at the horrors perpetrated by the howling scum on the right, or liars unable to come to grips with our own failings. many correct-thinking people have pointed out this basic problem with the left in the US, but not enough people listen.
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