
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

i almost crapped

When asked if there was anyone who can get him to stop his independent run for Senate:

LIEBERMAN: Respectfully, no. I am committed to this campaign, to a different kind of politics, to bringing the Democratic Party back from Ned Lamont, Maxine Waters to the mainstream, and for doing something for the people of Connecticut. That's what this is all about: which one of us, Lamont or me, can do more for the future of our people here in Connecticut. And on that basis, I'm going forward with confidence, purpose and some real optimism.

Taking the party back from the guy who just beat you in a primary? Joe, you're the fucking establishment. The party is taking itself back from YOU, you dick! Shut your fuckin' piehole, got to the big-money DNC/DSCC donors, kiss them square on the anus and tell them thanks for keeping you in office for 18 years, and RETIRE, DICK.

Uh, and Maxine? If she's the one Joe wants to take the party from, well, I'm gonna say it again: FUCK YOU JOE. What happened to the freedom-bus rider? The guy who stuck his neck out for principle? Your principle can be summed up in a couple words now: Cash fucking money. You dick.
Maxine is a hell of a congressperson, and if she helped oust your ass, then I'm sending her a donation today.


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