
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I know it's just one staffer for one insane idiot neo-con, but it's still telling. Bear in mind that this is in reaction to ONE op-ed in ONE newspaper.

“Connecticut should have its statehood taken away from it. The foolishness of its pampered residents should be demonstrated to others by a government program to bulldoze the entire state, salt the land and construct a windfarm to supply NYC with electricity. And its residents should be relocated to Guantanamo Bay where they can take a number behind the 3 who hung themselves this weekend, since they seem so intent on suicide.”
-- Daniel Kish, a senior adviser to Pombo, in an email

we live in a time where a significant chunk of the country supports a party that believes it's okay to kill and imprison other Americans if they disagree with a political standpoint you have. That is alarming as fuck. some people call it a "rise in eliminationist rhetoric". i call it "buy a fucking gun and keep your name and address secret". Because, although they're right now just a bunch of windbag assholes, they're setting the groundwork for the even bigger psychos who will come after them. And since their predecessors set the bar for acceptable rhetoric so low, they will infer that the bar for acceptable actions is equally low. And then horrible tihngs happen.

I have a counter-proposal to Mr. Kish. I posit he should defend his call to imprison Americans and destroy their belongings because of a disagreement over a miniscule amount of oil (less than a week's supply) that his boss's wealthiest contributors are likely to squeeze a couple extra dimes out of. I say to Mr. Kish: You, by this email, have qualified as a grade-A fucking psycho dickbag, and should be locked up in a nice, clean mental facility and routinely cavity-searched. That's a little nicer than your desires for the people of Connecticut isn't it? Pudding twice a day, i bet.

hey! you're doing the same thing! you may holler at the screen, slapping your knee in outrage, perhaps gripping the drapes. Sure. But look closely at the context. Mr. Douchebag is advocating imprisonment and impoverishment for millions because he doesn't like something they said. I'm advcocating a nice "vacation" (perhaps some ECT) for his call to destroy a US state. I know he's engaged in rhetoric, assholes. So am i. but he's help pushing norms to gross places, as i explained above. so fuck him. Fuck him in the ass with a big rubber dick. than break it off inside and beat him with what's left, and ditch his still quivering shitpile of a body in a filthy men's room in some run-down ghetto his fucking party makes bigger and smellier and more hopeless.

just kidding.


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