it's a funny game.
The pricks on the con side of the aisle (funny huh) came up with a "funny" graphic mocking dems on security. it's really clever, like a white flag that says "democratic national security plan" or some shit. retards. oliver willis had this up in response and i think it says it all.

Don't ever fucking forget who was on the job, and who fucked it all up. Bush helped those people die. he directly helped kill the thousands that died in New Orleans that everyone basically is saying "eh?" about, mainly because they're poor and black. and he has directly killed thousands, tens of thousands, fuck, who knows hundreds of thousands in the middle east.
So fuck that guy, fuck you lying cons for your lies and bullshit, and fuck the numbnuts half of the voters that put these shits in office. when do i start loading up the molotovs again? fucking retards.
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