
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

late night

i'm sitting here wearing a cowboy hat with a skull on it watching Steven Wright on Comedy Central and reading TPM Muckraker and wondering, "why don't we have a database that can accurately correlate congressional moves with the amount of money a given congresscritter has received from the relevant mover or shaker in regards to legislation or investigation?"
I wish i was making that up.
but seriously, you think that any such program would come up with anything other than "Republicans are fucking terrified to their cores that Dems could gain control of the House or Senate and gain subpoena power in ethics/corruption/intern-fucking investigations".

I don't think that it would.

Steven Wright just said he had a job at a pet store and one day they fired him because they had three snakes...and one day he braided them.

that would be three pissed off snakes.

i don't think my forums readers read my front page, and i don't think my front page readers read my forums. it causes me to stay up late at night weeping, weeping hot fat tears of dismay.

PS: I did a goog for "hot tears of dismay" with the quotes and everything and got a big fat NOTHING. I think it's incumbent on everyone I know to link to this post to give me the only googsult on "hot tears of dismay" because it would make me so fucking happy. i'm only #1 on "babyfight". That's fucked up. who searches for babyfight? that's kind of why I bought it, but still. my own desires should be trumped by my later desires, that's easy to understand. it's like a yeti wearing a tophat at the ball, of course he wants to be accepted. he didn't ask to be a yeti.

well, i'm not saying i'm a yeti, or that i didn't buy babyfight.com on purpose, however misguided. but still. think of the poor sad yeti. he just wants to go to the cotillion.


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