So, I'm sure you couldn't avoid but hear that there was a group of white-haired old men meeting for the last 9 months talking about how fucked we (well, mainly our soldiers stuck there) are in Iraq. Now the news has been going on a full-out deepthroating of this Iraq Study Group, despite the fact that a) none of their work is in the slightest way binding or 2) these ten dudes had to come in and tell the fucking federal government, the billions of dollars and thousands of workers, elected and appointed, what they should do, and iii) they didn't come up with a single new idea.
Fucking. Pathetic.
We have an executive branch that cannot...I don't even know the word to use, it gets into such a philosophical arena, the nature of conscioiusness, cognitive abilities, etc...cannot think. These people have such a severe disconnect from the reality of what's happening, at least the public faces of the fiasco, Bush, Lieberman, Cheney, Rummy (rot in hell), and the rest, that it's hard to understand what their motivations are. It's like trying to guess the motivations of a sea sponge. Except it's a sea sponge that's been responsible for the deaths of 3,000 soldiers (and over 6,000 civilians in Katrina and on 9/11), countless (countless!) civilians in foreign countries, and the squandering of our reputation and treasure around the world (funneling it conveniently into coroporate pockets, Dem and GOP).
These people, in the Congress, decided that they couldn't come up with anything on their own. So they hired HW's old hand James Baker (noted oil hitman), current SecDef nominee Robert Gates (former Reagan Iran-Contra hand), and some other stiffs to tell them how bad it was. Is this what we give these people such massive resources for? To not be able to analyze facts on their own? Why would the leading deliberative body in our nation not be able to...welll...deliberate? It makes me fucking batty. Moonbatty.

This is seriously like an oracle or wise man situation, where the king asks some learned subject to advise him. Shouldn't the fuckin' King be able to see the probability of this fucking happening? It blows the mind. How many anti-war folks were RIGHT ABOUT THIS? This war generated the largest protest rallies ever. Vietnam took 5 years to generate that kind of opposition. The incredibly asinine Iraq invasion started protests when it was a THEORY. I believe I've heard ONE major press figure (and I can't even remember who, it was a link on Eschaton I believe) say that we oughta start listening to the people who were right in the first place, namely the anti-war left & center, and (though it can be dangerous and stupid) the libertarians.
Ah well. I'm going to go douse myself with a bucket of cold water. Perhaps some naked racquetball to take the edge off. I give you all permission to go "EW!"
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