
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Friday, August 15, 2008

my...my brain. it's exploding

John McCain is fucking insane. He's crazy. He's stupid crazy. The guy makes crazy people look sane. He's got so many bats in his belfry that the only fuckin place in this fucking country that has no problem moving real estate is in his fucking belfry, because there are so many god damn bats wanting to fucking move in there they're driving up property values to California-esque levels, like when I bought my condo. But these bats have an advantage: they'll still want to be in McCain's motherfucking crazy-assed belfry, while most people aren't touching Cali real estate with their friend's dicks tied to a twelve foot fuckin pole.
What other amusing shit can I compare McCain's insanity to? I feel almost like I'm doing a disservice to history by laughing at John Fucking Insane McCain's Home-brewed Insanity(R) instead of just pointing and screaming like a god damned pod person who's caught sight of a "normal".
You know, were Mel Blanc to still be alive, he'd be busy animating Bugs Bunny at HD resolutions spinning through hilarious signs illustrating mental illness...Screw + Ball, Crack + Pot, etc. He'd spin through those bitches so fast it would produce an eternal energy source for our nation to take advantage of.
I don't know if I'm getting through how crazy I think that senile fuck is. I really need to get through on this point.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger charles said...

I think I missed your point...


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