
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Monday, September 15, 2008

good post

"a coming-out story" from a converted atheist. heh...that's so funny sounding, "converted atheist", like you can convert to...what, not believing craziness? of course, "moderate" protestant types will read this tale of bizarre world-views and think "tsk tsk, those dirty papists are so weird...to bad the kid wasn't in a nice, moderate, sensible church like the episcopalians or *insert crazy church here*". Sadly no! (good site, by the way), you're all crazy.
a thought occurs, which i'm sure has occurred to many, and is probably commonly-known church doctrine in the k-k-k-k-kerazy katholic klub, but what happens once you swallow a cracker? they believe it for-reals turns into a chunk of jeebus' flesh when it's blessed, that's transubstantiation, which is a good one-word answer for anyone asking you "hey, wait a minute, what makes you think the catholic church is, as you just said loudly while doing an interpretive dance, 'nuttier than a ten pound sack of fruitcake?!'". So if that's the case, does it...turn back to a cracker after you swallow it? cuz otherwise you're shitting out jeezus christ into the toilet!!!!!1!!! Are catholics christ-shitters?!



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