
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Monday, January 19, 2009

all over

while i'm glad that bush is gone, and we won't need to deal with his horrific idiocy anymore, i'm not joyous about it. we have an unknown coming in, who may or may not be what he seems. we have a system that's in so much trouble it can't really be summarized in a single readable blog post. much of that trouble was at the least initiated by the idiot leaving office tomorrow. so i'm not joyous.
what i feel is beaten up, bruised from the shitstorm that's rained down on our country, and the world, for the last few decades. so many dead at the hands of our duly elected reps it just makes you want to quit.
but i'll hang in there, if you hang in there.


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