wendezday lirik

i remembered! fuck yeah!
Thingy was a late 90s Rob Crow band, and had some kickass songs. they were a near direct offshoot from Heavy Vegetable, and featured Elea Tenuda vocalizing again with Rob. While slightly more serious and longwinded that HV (which wouldn't be hard given their penchant for music clocking in under a minute), they still have brief songs, more like sketches, but packed with power. A few songs from To The Innocent and Songs About Angels, Evil and Running Around On Fire are bona fide classics, such as Cutest Baby, Destroy All Music, and Revolution in a Box.
Revolution in a Box(free listen!)
Songs About Angels, Evil and Running Around On Fire
Best way to control the youth
rather than force them in line
is somehow make your evil look good
and watch them throw themselves in the ovens
and they can dance and take their shitty drugs
to their techno marching bands
which is quite similar to
what they do in boot camp
Jedi good
Dark Side bad
people good
people bad
Revolution in a box
can't wait for the Happy Meal
the best way to control the youth
rather than force them in line
is make your evil power look good
and watch them stage dive into the ovens
I need to (ah ah ah)
I have to (ah ah ah ah ah)
I need to (I could be saying)
I could be (anything)
I need to (I need to follow)
I have to (what I say)
I need to (fuck)
I want to (shit)
I have to (up)
Jedi good
Dark Side bad
people good
people bad
Jedi good
Dark Side bad
people good
people bad
(clocking in at 1:19! that's a rock opera by Thingy standards)
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