
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

another word

Main Entry: la·cu·na
Pronunciation: l&-'kü-n&, -'kyü-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural la·cu·nae /-'kyü-(")nE, -'kü-"nI/; or la·cu·nas /-'kü-n&z, -'kyü-/
Etymology: Latin, pool, pit, gap -- more at LAGOON
1 : a blank space or a missing part : GAP
2 : a small cavity, pit, or discontinuity in an anatomical structure
- la·cu·nar /-'kü-n&r, -'kyü-/ also la·cu·nate /l&-'kü-n&t, -'kyü-, -"nAt; 'la-ky&-"nAt/ adjective

This is a pretty useful word in these days, as the shrillest of shrill seem unable, through some defect, to see the result of their foolish war-dreams, their support for a power-mad, incompetent puppet president, their willingness to send a lobbyist to fill the seat of a congressman tainted by...lobbyists..., the desire to hitch every woman's womb to the mechanism of the state, and to define large chunks of our populace as evil for what hole they choose to fuck...the shrill can't seem to see somehow that they have lead us to the cusp of disaster. They believe they are bravely steering the ship, one hand on tiller one on hip, chest thrust forward in manly certitude, and can't see the jagged stones and sucking vortexes that lay just ahead.

I used to think that enough protestation would convince even those on the right, since, in years past, it had done just that. Even Reagan raised taxes when he realized his "trickle-down" economics were only trickling one stinky thing onto those at the bottom. But this version of the Lunatic Winger has no compunctions. They see past failures of their policies not as repudiation of their silly fantasies, which have never worked in governing, but as a lack of willpower to follow through. Of course a lot of the main architects know the true goal, a subversion of government powers to the richest of the rich, the largest corporations, but the rest are useful idiots trained through long hours to believe the utterly vapid lies they then repeat.

Cons love to win, regardless of wether or not they actually win. The appearance of it can be enough for them.

I like to survive, and grow. I like my family and friends to be safe. I want to help others who are not family and friends be safe and happy.

Cons want to take everything they can and turn inwards to gaze at their loot like some pasty white Smaug. Maybe it's time to roust this dragon, and see what its made of?


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