you know what i haven't called anyone in a long time? A "dudette". did anyone ever use that word as anything other than a funny companion to "dudes", as in "Dudes and dudettes, this is my penis" or that sort of thing? It seems to not stand well on its own. I don't know if i for one ever called someone a "dudette" simply as a nickname or friendly diminutive or whathaveyou.
by the way, dudette.com is taken.
you know what's embarrassing? Astrology. I mean, we've got enough things to be embarrassed about as merkins, with a dope in the white house, a creep in the VP office, and a bunch of various geeks, kooks and spooks everywhere else, but to have to listen to people defend astrology as anything other than first-class crackpottery makes me simply pissed off beyond belief, ready to fling clay pots full of flaming pitch at the nearest trireme. read that article in the link. you'll see some of what i'm talking about. it's mostly come up since Jerome Armstrong, a major netroots Dem/liberal player, was outed as something of a astrology lover and has been widely denounced by the (mainly christian, go figure) right as well as some of the left. on top of the fact that i'm taking orders on what to put on my blog from markos, i'm now a believer in astrology since jerome likes it. and i bought his book.
fuckin' a. you know, just as i know plenty of otherwise smart, even brilliant people who have what i consider to be a fucking massive hole in their brains where they pour god-thoughts, i know lots of smart even brilliant people who believe other retarded shit as well. i have a lot of trouble with the folks who believe the earth is 6,000 years old, dinosaur bones were scooped from an alien planet by a star-hoppin jesus to vex us, and that life begins at conception (my ass it does) telling anyone anything ever about kooky beliefs. you know how you answer that? "Hey, you, i think your biorythym scroll is stupid!" "oh yeah? well i BELIEVE it, so stick a fork in your own ass right now". Just like random douchebag christians can simply say "i believe it happened" and end the argument, because, fuck, they're nuts, any random astrology retard can pull the same shit.
i think they're all fucking fruitier then fruitcakes, in any event. doesn't mean i'm going to stop talking to friends/relations/door-to-door salesmen who have some broken part of their cortex that lets invisible men in the sky in. there'll just always be a part of me laughing and pointing. That part will be inside, where it's safe and jesus can't hear me. stupid eavesdropping jesus! i wish he'd never come here in his spaceship!

I think this post has the most quotable garthisms I have ever read. This is a perfect example of why I like you. Rant on people are stupid and they need to be told that they are, its really to bad they will not understand why they are.
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