
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

just some thoughts

I was reading this post. This song makes me cry.


Tha sun ablaze as Marias foot
Touches the surface of sand
On Northern Land
As human contraband
Some Rico from Jalisco
Passed her name to tha boss
She stuffed ten to a truckbed
She clutches her cross
Here come tha exhaust
And it rips through her lungs
Shes off fast to tha pasture
Like cattle shell cross
Degree 106
Sweat and vomit are thrown
And she prays and suffocates
Upon the memories of home
Of Yanqui guns for blood debts on the loans
Of smoldering fields, rape, rubble and bones
Of graves hidden trapped up in visions of war
Of nothing, no one, nobody, no more
These are her mountains and skies and she radiates
And through historys rivers of blood she regenerates
And like tha sun disappears only to reappear
Shes eternally here
Her time is near
Never conquered but here
To tear away at the mask

And now she got a quota
Tha needle and thread crucifixion
Sold and shipped across tha new line
of Mason Dixon
Rippin through denim
Tha point an inch from her vein
Tha foreman approach
His steps now pound in her brain
His presence it terrifies
And eclipses her days
No minutes to rest
No moments to pray
And with a whisper
He whips her
Her soul changed to his will
"My job is to kill if you forget to take your pill"
Her arm jerks
Tha sisters gather round her and scream
As If in a dream
Eyes on the crimson stream
Numb as her wrists spit shots of blood to tha floor
I am nothing, no one, nobody, no more
These are her mountains and skies and

she radiates

And through historys rivers of blood

she regenerates
And like tha sun disappears only to reappear
Maria she's eternally here
Her time is near
Never conquered but here

Look at the last 100 years. Look at the death, war and blood spilled on foreign soil. Try and figure out what its for.

Its for the dollar. The Germans were vociferously supported by all American elites until they infringed on our trade practices. The Indonesians tried to keep US corps out. The Chinese wouldn't let Brits sell opium in China. The American Indians wouldn't let invaders take their homes. The response of the white man? Death. Endless death.

That's capitalism.

Now it's being reflected in the endless stream of the poor from south of us. They come some for work, some for free government services. All dreaming of living a better life. It's a measure of the extremist right-wing efforts' success at realigning people's views that the poor white people (and trust me, you're poor if you're reading this, I don't care what kind of car you drive) and some Latinos have voluntarily formed a buffer against this human tide. Some going so far as to plant their soft white asses on lawn chairs surrounded by media and Border Patrol agents on the border. Its a sorry sight.

One thing I don't believe many people realize is that American policy in South and Central America, specifically state-sponsored terrorism campaigns and monetary/military/political support for extremist dictators, is what caused these countries to become so desperately poor. The campaigns in Nicauragua, if you extrapolate the casualty figures to a country the size of the US, would have been 2.25 million, more than the casualties the US suffered in all of its wars combined. And on a tiny country like Nicauragua... the impact was extreme. All because rich fuckers didn't like poor, shit-upon people standing up and demanding a better life. The market rules over everyone but them you see.

So when you see the poor bastards dying in the desert, or swept away in ravines, or kicked by racist pricks, imagine Ron Reagan standing over them laughing, as his legacy and wishes are fulfilled. Imagine 50 years of US meddling and the death, torture and horror it's lead to.

Look at yourself and ask, "Do I support this? Is this me?".

Because unless you stand up and scream NO MORE, it is you.


At 2:52 PM, Blogger Courtney said...


At 9:11 AM, Blogger garth2 said...

damn that noam chomsky for filling my head with facts

At 9:11 AM, Blogger garth2 said...

also, when he sits in his front yard is he a lawn noam?


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