
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

all right, once again

some "American Family Association" dude said this:
"It's a stupid ad," he said. "How do we define 'good' if we don't believe in God? God in his word, the Bible, tells us what's good and bad and right and wrong. If we are each ourselves defining what's good, it's going to be a crazy world."

All right, in regard to the whole concept of "if you don't believe in gawd you can't be good", once and for all, let's call bullshit on that. Christians, you have to call bullshit on that too. You're good because it's right, and it makes you better, not because you're afraid of a deity.
Additionally, our laws aren't based on the bible. Are countries with a long history of law, but zero history of biblical influence (other than being killed quite often by bible wielders), suddenly to be called christian cuz they outlaw fucking murder? Here's a decent article on the subject.
Ultimately, tho, the clown in the above quote claims that gawd tells us what's "...good and bad, right and wrong..." I'd argue with that on a lot of fronts. sure, there's some universal good and bad in the bible...as noted, no murdering, no stealing. but there's a lot of kill your enemies in there, and sell your children into slavery, and kill your son if he badmouths you. it's caravan law, basically, and it's a load of bollocks for the most part. we don't live travelling with a fuckin' herd of goats.
I'm getting good and fed up with the activist religious horning in on the secular world. If you want to change something to a fucked-up, bigoted reflection of your stupid fucking book, do it in prayers, okay? pray your idiot heads off, gawd's the only one who can change things, right? so pray pray pray! get busy! why are you reading this! you should be praying! somewhere there's a young gay kid who doesn't feel like a pile of shit that the world hates! get to work, you fuckers!


At 10:17 PM, Blogger j-bone said...

merika was founded on BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES!!! The ten commandments is THE basis of ALL western LAW!!! if you don't have the love of jesus in your heart you will never understand WHY killin is good and loving your NEIGHBOR is bad!!! pray or obama - for his salvation or for his DEATH and that he also becomes white.


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