
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The last couple weeks

THe last few weeks have been kind of trying. Desi's brother got super-sick and we had to take him to the hospital, it turned out to be Spinal Meningitis, which is an infection of the tissue surrounding the spinal column, or meninges. We didn't know if it was bacterial (very bad, contagious) or viral (not as bad, not contagious), but the poor bastard was in a lot of pain and couldn't eat or drink. He ended up in the hospital for almost a week, and now they're afraid he's got pneumonia...the guy already took care of leukemia, he should seriously get a pass for life from diseases.

There's a guy who's serving in our Senate, the Senate of the People of the United States of America, and he's a fucking lunatic from Pennsylvania. He believes that women, of any age or marital status, should not be allowed to use birth control. I'm not lying, the fuckin' whacko seriously believes that. He believes that in vitro fertilization clinics are evil. He also, humorously, believes that he can read dead people's minds, like all "original intent" strict constructionist Constitutional "scholars". I mean, seriously, how great an idea can it be if it relies on reading the mind of a dead Founding Father? It made me write a letter:

Dear Strict Constructionist:
I'm glad you could take a break from your Ouija board to read my letter. I was wondering if you'd read my dead grandmother's mind, and see what the safe combination was. Plus, where she hid her meds. Because you're fuckin' crazy, and might think you can do just that.

Really, though, Santorum is just another GOP hypocrite. Duh.

Of course, I got confused and mailed it to myself (neat trick! I heard (of course, I'd never do it) that if you reverse the addresses on a letter, like, put your addy as the mailing address, and the other as the return, it will be returned to the people you wanted to mail it to...pretty sneaky, huh?), but I think my point was made. Oh yes.

I did in fact write an email to an NPR interviewer who had "Crazy Lunatic" Santorum on. In this interview, I'm not kidding, he complained that Christians are oppressed in this country (despite and 80% self-identification rate as "Christian"), that people called him names (he read off a freaking list from his Blackberry....jesus. Turn the other cheek often, psycho?), and that evolution was a "theory" (note to morons: it is not a theory, but a fact). The interviewer reitereated the term "Theory of Evolution" which is what set me off. I hate that. It was cool that he wrote back, though he claimed that his listeners are "smart enough to make up their own minds, which you seem to have no problem doing". Yuk yuk, nice snark, dick. Of course, he's wrong. I'm not "making my mind up" about FACTS. They're pesky things, baby. You can't pick your own set of them.

I've had people nearly kill me on the road so very many times of late it's sickening. I don't know what to make of it. I feel like I'm in that unendingly bad movie, Final Destination. Except my Death is an incompetent fat chick driving a Toyota Tacoma. Hmm...I smell a sequel! Death Drives a Pale Toyota: Attack of the Krispy Kremes! Here's a picture of a big dude swimming with his dog.

Some band names I've come up with of late:
  • 50-Horse Johnson (my little brother helped)
  • Garth Army
  • Harry Deviant


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