torture device owned by feds
the mount soledad cross was transferred yesterday to federal ownership, showing once again that george bush has not seen a religious debacle he can stay out of. all the republicans involved are liars, they're all claiming they're trying to preserve a "war monument". a war monument for only christians of course, and only christians who worship a cross. but that doesn't matter to these fucking douchebags. speaking of which check out this pic:

the guy in the middle is my rep, brian "i've already voted myself a raise!" bilbray. i hope he falls in a vat of sewage and swallows a bunch of it.
don't they look like republicans? like they'd kick your little dog? fucking dickbiters. they'll bend over and cram a cross up their asses if it would shore up the loony vote. and it will of course.
there's a tiny problem, in that 17 years (so far) of case law in this matter has said well no, it's not kosher to have a giant torture device of great significance to one single religious sect (or group of sects) on publicly owned land. that's my gripe too. if they sold that to a private party, hell, put a big penis and vagina combo on there. i don't care. it's private land. but it's public land. i don't know why the religionists aren't upset about this. they seem, in recent years, more interested in shoving their bullshit fairy tales down people's throats than in leading christ-like lives. i'm unimpressed.
here's a couple other neat things about this bullshit: the senate voted unanimously to okay the transfer. the house voted 349-74. what the fuck? only 74 of the 500 some-odd reps could be counted on to say "hey, separation of church and state is a good thing". fucking weak douchebags.
from the article: While Bush made no public statements after yesterday's signing, the White House has said that “judicial activism should not stand in the way of the people” and that “the people of San Diego have clearly expressed their desire to keep” the cross where it stands.
what if it was an image of a mission indian being whipped by a jesuit? would that be cool if a majority of the people wanted it to stay? what about a vast majority? what if it was a jew being gassed by a mighty laughing german? cool if a majority supports it? this isn't even in the realm of separation of church and state necessarily, but principled civilization.
this cross is a pro-christian religious symbol. the function of the courts is to intervene when the constitution is not being adhered to. the bush admin, the city of san diego, and all of the local republican congresspeople (and dianne feinstein and barbara boxer, don't forget) are all wrong. it's sick too. it makes me wonder why we bother. i mean, if we're just going to throw over our nation to religious police forces, why are you fucking bothering? you fucking liars. you claim belief in a free and just society. unless you claim that freedom and justice for all, you're a liar. and you know what these people are claiming in this matter? freedom and justice for christians, and only christians. and what's more, only those that worship crosses.
so fuck you, and fuck your lies. you people are seriously pathetic.
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