
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prop H8: KoC

With the backlash that's been justifiably popping up on the LDS (including my own family, a couple of which do not speak to me anymore, and whom I will not miss), one group that's getting off rather lightly is the Catholic Church. The world's largest landowner and it's surrogates poured money into the lie-filled Yes on 8 campaign, the utter shame of our state. Here in Escondido, right on Valley Parkway, we have a rotten cunt-hair of the great Whore of Babylon sitting smug across from a Carrows, the Knights of Columbus.
Knights of Columbus, Council 4953
515 W Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92025-2510
(760) 480-8303 (Hall)

Here's their contact page.
"Dude!" you may be saying "They're just stinky old dudes who pray and help out in parades!" Well, maybe the ones here do. But the national chapter kicked in $1.425 Million for "Yes on H8". Not quite the level of the fucking evil mormon church, but still relatively outrageous. I'm not sure what to do. I may just hang out there this weekend with a "FUCK YOU, KNIGHTS OF FUCKTARDS" sign. It's all up in the air, eh?
Also, on the Californians Against Hate site, there's a list of all donors. I've gone through and found at least a couple locals. I'm thinking they don't ever deserve a penny of my business.
Here's one:

Dran May-Reese, Escondido, CA
Dran May-Reese, a Homemaker from Escondido, gave: $25,000 on 8/27/08
Listed as "Homemaker", but actually runs a business, Quakehold, in Escondido

Here's more:

Eric Ottesen, Poway, CA
Excel Realty, Attorney
$5,000 on 8/27/08

Pamela Capelo, Poway, CA
Cooley Godward Kronish, Lawyer
$5,000 on 8/20/08

Serena Orton, Poway, CA
L. Cary Orton DDS, Marketing
$5,000 on 8/20/08

Robert Putnam, Poway, CA
E. Digital Corporation, Senior VP
$5,000 on 9/15/08

Susan S. Hamilton, Poway, CA
$5,000 on 9/15/08

Mary Fellars, Vista, CA
Mary Fellars, DDS, gave: $5,000 on 7/28/08

Paul Walker, Vista, CA
Hien, Engineer
$5,000 on 9/16/08

Ruth H. Monzalvo, Vista, CA
Herbalife International, Sales
$5,000 on 9/15/08

Douglas Whiting, Carlsbad, CA
Hifa, Engineer
$5,000 on 8/20/08

Gregory Weeks, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
$5,000 on 8/8/08

These are all public records. I'd urge anyone reading this who believe in human rights, human dignity, and just plain love to not frequent their businesses, and let them know why, within the boundaries of the law. The Mormons claimed before anything happened that Prop 8 would result in people attacking them, but they made it out to be UNJUSTIFIED, when in fact it not only justified but a fair exercise of a citizen's rights. The side of free speech (and spending or not spending your money has been established as "speech", however insane that is) no one likes to talk about is this: You are in a nation of people who are free to CALL YOU OUT ON YOUR BULLSHIT. The Mormon Church's members and leadership fucking POURED money into this campaign. They really, really pissed a LOT of people off. They will lose. Their hate and ignorance and psycho mythological bullshit will lose.


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