
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

This is damn funny

I'd recommend Greg Beato just eviscerating Michelle Malkin for a fun read. Anytime one of the pompous, hypocritical, crimes-against-humanity-types gets some of the wind taken out of their gigantic asses, I'm good with it. Apparently, Malkin got her non-thong underwear in a giant, sandy twist when Rolling Stone had a picture of Christina Aguilera on it, mostly naked-ish. She gets herself all lathered up going on about skanks and declining moral values, and, somehow, how it's all feminists fault.

Wuggity wha?

As Beato notes:
Or to put it another way, Playboy used to be a fusty, highbrow magazine devoted to theater criticism. And Hustler specialized in entrepreneurial advice. But then Betty Friedan and Kate Millett gave Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt the go-ahead, and things started changing. Next, Gloria Steinem revealed that only boob jobs would allow women to achieve economic parity. And then Andrea Dworkin started arguing that ass cleavage was actually the best way to subvert the phallocentric hegemony. And after that, Naomi Wolf started exclaiming that uptight bitches who can't suck a bowling ball through a cocktail straw will never experience true self-esteem, and that fat thighs are really just the Goddess's way of saying, "Fuck you, you dirty cow whore!"

Or in other words "Michelle Malkin, you is one crazy-assed crack-ho biatch."


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