Ann Coulter, sporting "her" mighty adam's apple, has been a disgusting boil on the hindquarters of our country for a long time, a veritable propaganda machine spewing lies, hate, and bile onto America for going on 15 years now., a hilarious site, has a sweet feature called "Ask Ann". Check it out, good shit. The best/worst part is, of course, that it's basically right on the mark. A sample of the Q&A:
Gavin, from St. Louis, Missouri writes:
I'd like to take you up on your offer to poison a Supreme Court Justice. However, what poison and tactic do you best recommend?
Ann Coulter:
LOL! Very funny, Gavin. You're of course referring to my recent hilarious crack that we need someone to poison John Paul Stevens. What most of the liberal media jerkoffs failed to report however is that I immediately added, "THAT'S JUST A JOKE!!" – which everyone knows makes saying anything instantly OK. What's the big deal? I do it all the time. Why just last week, I was waiting in line at the airport and said, "We need somebody to light the fuse of this 11" vibrating dildo-bomb I have jimmied up my cavernous man-hole." But then I said, "That's just a joke, for you in the TSA jackets!" So everything was fine.
They also have just a massive amount of cool "Fuck you, Bush" art, stories, and what not. Here's the link to their Cafepress store:

That rocks.
So swing by. I just spotted the link to Landover Baptist Church, which I'd nearly forgotten about, at the bottom...take some time, enjoy and Landover Baptist. Sip some finely crafted satire, baby.
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