
Bush as art. Just roll that around on your tongue for a while. Bush as farce? Sure. Bush as eternal national shame? Okay, I can buy that. But art? Doesn't it just basically take the whole concept of art, in all its glory and ridiculousness and raw, untamed humanity, and stamp a fat "McDONALD's" across it, turn it into a crass, sad ghost of itself? Bush as art? What about shit as food? Seems roughly analogous.
I just saw a Headline News bit about gas prices. The fun part about gas prices is that current per-barrel prices have nothing to do with the gas that they're selling in stations right at this moment. The prices they holler about are futures prices, contracts to buy oil in the near future at a given price. The commodities markets are one of the great engines of capitalist ideal, and these ones are no exception...but they're not refined gasoline. We're being fucking gouged by gas companies. And every single industry and business will use it to increase prices. You are being bent over and fucked in the interests of temporary corporate profit, without a doubt.
Elementary school teacher had sex with 13-year-old boy. My lord, they showed this woman on TV, she could basically get a dude at any point, what's with banging a 13 year old? Mental illness= TV GOLD.
I'm going to bed, it's 2:30 in the morning, what the hell am I awake for?
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