
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Monday, March 20, 2006

it happened!

the last few days have been rather stressful. i'm a little punch drunk. a few posts down i opened with "i often sit and fret that my car will be towed", and it happened! yesterday me and des stopped at her house at like one in the morning, and when i woke up and peeped out the window five hours later, my car had been towed! i got it back in about 2 hours, but it ran me $260. if you work for North Coast Patrol in Oceanside, you are a fucking giant stinky douchenozzle, and i hope you die in a huge fucking garbage disposal. then, i drove my car to Zac's to get it fixed, and it turns out the master cylinder is fucked. that's another couple c-notes.

then this morning, carless, i hitch a ride to work with my step-dad, as I'm sleeping in his spare room waiting for escrow to close, and the fucking agent calls me up and tells me we can't do the loan, and i about fall to pieces like a scared little wombat in the big city. then, a few hours later, it works out, thanks to some intervention from down the hall. I'm really maybe probably kind of getting the condo. feh. still no car.

if you're thinking about getting an old BMW, fuckin don't do it unless a mechanic looks all over it and says he wants to have fucking sex with it, it looks so good. i've spent over $5K on a car i paid $3k for. jesus fucking christ in a blender.

my hands are hurting from typing...lord, my ears sound like there's things breaking in them, and my jaw feels like i got kicked by jackie chan. i am disassembling in front of your very eyes. hopefully on friday i'll have a house to fall apart inside of and i can get my whole life out of the storage unit it was supposed to be in for 3 weeks seven weeks ago.


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