
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

the pardon thing

I know there's some good things happening, slowly, being fought every step of the way by the entrenched corrupt GOP establishment:

    Abramhoff is singing like a sweet, bribe slingin' bird.
    "Scooter" Libby is on trail.
    "Duke" Cunningham is in jail.
    Rep. "Katherine" Harris (R-FL) is staying in her Senate race, despite already hiring a lawyer to defend herself in the Wade Mitchell/Brent Wilkes bribery scandal that already took down "Duke".
    Rep. Virgil "Goode" seems to have already paid off a bribe (R-TN i believe)
    As many as nine other congresscritters might be going down over MZM etc scandals alone.
    Tom DeLay faces a real-live challenge in his gerrymandered district, and his former aides are being indicted by the truckload.

But all of this aside, what's to stop Bush from just pardoning all of these fucking criminals if they can't weasel their way out of the cases on their own? Clinton pardoned scumbag Marc Rich, along with a host of others. Of course, you can't talk about Bill Clinton without someone saying "B-b-b-but he got a BLOWJOB! Under his DESK!" yeah yeah, shut the hell up. Stupid fucking Clinton-haters have wrecked our national discourse to an unimaginable point. But whatever, there is literally no reason why Bush won't just pardon every single one of them. He's a lame duck, he has no shame, and he does whatever Cheney tells him to do. Libby will be pardoned, Abramhoff probably, Ralph Reed when he's convicted, Grover Norquist, and on and on.

When Bush leaves office his pardon-list will look like a freaking phone book. Did you know? President Bush has never vetoed a single piece of legislation. Seriously. The "fiscal conservative" has not vetoed a spending bill, a social policy bill, or tax bill (of course, he has only seen tax bills that cut taxes for people exactly like him (sorry if it's old news, I just can't say it enough: Bush hates poor people unless they're mowing his lawn). But guess what! He has said he will veto any bill (possibly stemming from the vote in committee today) that threatens the takeover of US ports by a foreign state-owned company. Funny huh! And NOW, he wants congress to grant him line-item veto authority. For what?

But back to my point. Bush will pardon anyone who falls on their sword for him. He has to. See if I'm wrong.


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