It's Monday!
Ted Rall rules!

Tomorrow is my district's special election. The GOP lost a long-time house member because those bureaucrats on the hill couldn't handle the "Duke"-stir making a little green on the side. I'm voting for Francine Busby, I've met her, she's short and has by far the best afro in the race. There's some Repubs running but they're all either super-rich kooks trying to buy their way into office or douchebag career politicians who lie and cheat. Busby's the only bearable candidate in the lot of 'em. Bilbray's amazing: He's been a lobbyist for 6 years, and won a court battle to have himself listed as an "immigration reform consultant". I could not make this shit up.
I have to question the intelligence of anyone who'd vote for a Republican right now, considering the complete corruption of that party. Of course, if the Dems take over, they'll get just as corrupt. What we need is a little citizen oversight. I saw a TV ad for one of them, I can't remember who and don't care, frankly, and it's gross. He sits on camera and talks about people he's known who've died from awful diseases and says he'll make stem-cell research unrestricted, at least the funding for it. Well, duh. Anyone who's NOT beholden to right-wing super-conservative scumbag religionistas SHOULD feel that way. Any right-thinking human SHOULD do that. You want a fuckin' medal? You crap-hat. It reminds me of the Chris Rock bit where the guy's proud of not going to jail. "You're not SUPPOSED TO GO TO JAIL! Whaddaya want, a COOKIE?"
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