
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Intelligent Shme-shmign

Does anyone else think that any real live Christian should be fully annoyed by the Intelligent Design jackasses co-opting their whole damn worldview? Now, anyone who believes that evolution and creationism (ie, God made the earth and all that other shit, and it went forward from there) is lumped together with retards who think God sits in a workshop like Bob Villa, meticulously putting eyeballs and thumbs together. Is that the stupidest fucking thing you have ever heard or what?
What happened to a transcendental god who simply is? I mean, if you're going to have faith, have some real faith, assholes, don't try to mask your fucknuttery in psuedoscientific mumbo-jumbo. I think religious people who believe the bible literally are insane, but that has nothing to do with the fact that ID proponents are making god into a larger-than-life putterer. If I was insane enough to believe that shit, I'd go for the angry, smiting god, frankly. A god with some pizzazz.


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