
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


"Members" is a funny word

okay, I have Desi and Chris signed up to be able to publish to the front page of our "web magazine" (thanks, FEC!), so look for stuff from them. I don't know if it will rule or suck, but they rule, so I'm leaning rule-wards. Of course, some of them suck too. heh heh heh.

anyhoo, that's all I have to say for now.

Randy "Duke" Cunningham is a giant douchebag

Here's someone putting it in clear an simple terms exactly what kind of a bribe-taking fuck SeƱor Cunningham is.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Doop di doo

I'm trying real hard to figure out how to get blogger to publish as my index page, and it's giving me permission errors, the bastard. I don't mind the "XXX.blogspot.com" URL, but I'd prefer to be able to publish right to my homepage and link to the forums. That way we can get back to the article/community feel we had before. I'd also like to be able to let others publish on the homepage, which anyone who's been here a while knows is one of my goals.
Sadly, since I do every damn thing in fits and starts, like a cat stuck to a chainsaw, it takes forever to do this shit. Just never forget, I need candy.

new things?

Who knows. I'm trying to get my mind around so many things. This blogger thing seems interesting.
The forums are here. I'm still thinking on what else to do....

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