
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Get ready for the smooth taste of Cronyism

Here we go! There is no tragedy monumental enough that politicians won't attempt to make a buck on it, from both parties. Of course, the GOP has elevated graft and corruption to an artform, rivalling the old Democratic Machine. These days, it's a lot more entertaining to watch the ruthless Machiavellian crap-a-thon that is the modern Republican party than to watch the mewling kittens of the Democrats. And of course by fun I mean "trying to hold down the vomit and tears".

Just keep your eyes open for fun instances of graft, profiteering, and even more racism! Let me know when you see 'em. Also, politcal photo-ops for Bush that cause rescue equipment to be grounded in deference to His Fucking Majesty George the Fucking Second, may he shit glass:

...for the entire time Bush was in the state, the congressman said, a ban on helicopter flights further stalled the delivery of food and supplies.

You know, this shit has been going on for hudreds of years, and will continue. If you're worth less than 80 mill, or are Black, Brown, Yellow or Red, you do not matter one god damn to the ruling elites. Period. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we change it.


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