So funny

Total hilarity. I cannot believe what a load these people are...I found this image, a blatant contradiction in terms, at a website dedicated to "Stopping the ACLU", from, I suppose, defending people's constitutional rights. People like noted Leftist Rush Limbaugh.
Anywhoo, apparently "Professor" Reynolds at the craptacular crapstand Instapundit said that attacking the ACLU was "a bit silly", and caused a shitstorm to erupt in the tiny minority of furious right-wingers hunkered down in
Don't look now, but the class war is beginning to come through even more clearly. The elite are finding it harder to distract the masses, and the buffer zone of "barely acceptables", like Mr. I-Hate-The-ACLU and, say, Sean "Retarded Bag of Human Excrement" Hannity is getting thinner as the craziest depart rightwards to militia-land. Letting the press corps get to such an elite state was likely a strategic slipup in the longterm goals of the money classes, as they are less aspiring to that prize...thus more interested in bennies than in getting their hands dirty. As a result the critical task of manipulating the weak masses goes to second-rate hacks like Hannity, Scarborough, and the execrable Bill O'Reilly. They only know how to do this job through crude, violent rhetorical measures. That and lying. So it weakens the barely-not-poor buffer of the kind-of accepted and allows the hatred of the trod-upon to show.
I'm reading a book about early 1800's labor agitation, and fucked if it isn't almost exactly the same. Wait til gas prices skyrocket further, and wages decrease, and we see bread lines again. Not that it'll hurt, say, Bush or Cheney, but lord amighty it'll hurt you. And me, and the barely-nots and the barely-acceptables. Then watch what happens. Fucking chaos.
Seriously, stock up on clean water.
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