Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
This is so fucking awesome.
"Duke" Cunningham pleads GUILTY to charges of fraud, mail fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy to commit fraud. Not "not guilty" or "no plea" but GUILTY. Guilty as fuck. I am so fucking stoked to see this scumbag go down. Ten years in jail possible, but unlikely. Rot in fucking hell Duke.
God this is giving me chills. Fucking front page news all over the country. God damn straight. GOP corruption on the front page, where it should be. These evil fuckers lie, cheat and steal, and at least one is getting his comeuppance.
Pron to start a new week
I figured you all (what, Paul an Chris?) could use a shot of porn to start the week.
How was your holiday?
Friday, November 18, 2005
A pack
I'm sitting here thinking...I quit smoking yet again, and every other time I've sat and thought "Jesus I wish I could have a fucking cigarette" and looked up and I'm at the 7-11 pathetically buying a pack, not even really understanding how I got there. So I'm sitting here thinking, and I realize it's coming on, the feeling, "Jesus, I wish I could have a fucking cigarette." and part of me just snaps a little, and I say in my head "I wish smoking was fun still, but it's not". It's no fun. It used to be fun, but now all I do is think "I'm going to get cancer and my kid will cry and she won't have me when she needs me. My mom won't have me when she needs me. My girlfriend and I won't ever get married, or if we do I'll be her dead husband and that much worse." I think that and I still want a smoke. I think, "I won't be happy or good or feel like anything other than a body smoking away like my poor grandmother did, smoking til she died on her couch."
I'm sitting here thinking of my grandmother. My powerful, foolish, amazing grandmother, who kept me and my brother so safe and helped her disparate daughters and assloads of friends and family and acquaintances. She was so loved. She wasted away in the end. I remember hiding from her once, when I was little and we'd (me & my brother) stay there all the time because mom was working 60-hour weeks. I hid behind her couch, and fell asleep, and she was so frantic trying to find me. She worried about everything. I remember her trying to get me to eat liver...she cajoled and threatened and begged and bargained, thinking it would be good for us, because in her mind liver is good for you. I took a bite eventually, and stood up silently, walked my little 6-year-old ass to the trash and spat it out. Other kids would have gotten it upside the head but all I got was a laugh and an "I guess you won't have any liver anymore, huh!" from my grandmother. She didn't want to feel bad, or make others feel bad.
i'm sitting here thinking I wish I could be as loyal and strong and dedicated as my mom and my grandmother, and how I have to start right now. I have no choice in this: either I am who I think I am, or I'm not. This is not just a fight for my life...we all lose that eventually. It's more important, in a larger view. It's a fight for my identity, in the quiet places that are truly mine. And I will be who I am, who I think I am.
I'm sitting here thinking of my grandmother, and hoping I can be almost like her...I still miss her completely. I remember sitting in her living room, near the end, when she never got off the couch, and she would ask me to buy her smokes because my mom wouldn't do it anymore. And we'd sit there and have a smoke. I felt all grown up at first, but a slow realization of what was happening grew. At that point she hardly got off her couch.
I don't want to be there...I want to be almost like her. I want to be as strong and fierce as her, and loyal like her, and smart like her. That's who I'm trying to be right now. That's who I will be. That's who I am.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Krugman on insurance
Weeedly widdley widdley widdley widdley widdley widdley waaaaah!
That's called...I wanna rock your body, baby. Parantheses, til the break of dawn.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Boycott Target
Don't shop at Target. It sucks, I'm running out of places I can shop. I guess Target is saying, by dint of it's actions, that women are less important than made-up rights.
I'm not going there anymore.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Oy vey
Like we needed to spend $30,000,000 on a special election so every single initiative would fail. Wouldn't we have had the same result next friggin year when we did our normal election? Jesus. Fuck you Ahnold.
In case anyone was wondering, the men and women in power right now are abject liars, hypocrites, and ruthless, disgusting killers. They would chop off your grannie's feet if it meant they got an extra nickel. I mean, literally, they wouldn't care who died if it meant a .00001% increase in the bottom line.
The main thing the GOP has gotten away with is a myth that it is competent. Nothing could be further from the truth. The 5+ years of Bush, and the 15 or so of ascendant GOP legislators, has been nothing but failure after failure after failure, with one thing connecting them all...a willingness to blame ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL (ref.: Grannie's chopped-off feet, above) but themselves. Who can hear a rightwinger say "Well, it's the liberal media bias!" and not laugh out loud? WHAT LIBERAL BIAS, you cocksucker? They control the executive, legislative, and judicial brankches. They appoint industry insiders to regualtory agencies to regulate the industries they work for. They lie unceasingly, without hesitation, and without remorse.
Here's some things to remember...Katrina. Failure. Afghanistan. Failure. Iraq. Failure. North Korea. Failure. Protecting the middle failure. Making the world safe. Failure. 9/11. Utter, abject, disgusting, tragic, FAILURE. Those 3000 people are dead because the Bush team did not do their jobs. Do not ever forget that. If you think it's "just politics" I have fucking news for you...these scumfucks are killing people all over the world with their "just politics". They're killing our brave kids in the armed forces, and just plain children with white phosphorous in Fallujah, bombs in Basra. They are murderers.
This is the the Repugnant Age we live in. The most disgusting turds are floating to the top. Just try not to swallow any if you manage to tread water, and try not to get flushed away with 'em if we ever find that handle.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Paul Wellstone
I feel like shit that I didn't note this recent date's passage, but here it is: on October 25th, 2002, a small plane carrying Senator Paul Wellstone, of Minnesota, his wife, and several close aides and friends, went down, killing all aboard.
Wellstone's memorial was hijacked by rightwingers like noted pill-popper Rush Limbaugh, former animated corpse speechwriter Peggy Noonan, and utter fucking tampon-smear Sean Hannity as a rampant partisan event, using the harshest language, accusing the speakers at the near-impromptu event held in a 16,000-capacity arena and televised (20,000 people showed up) of trying to use a man's death for political purposes. All of those pundits, of course, hadn't watched it, or been there, because they're lying fucking assholes. Hopefully they'll one day have to look at themselves in the mirror and just break down.
Paul Wellstone lived his life to help others. Warning: the wiki entry there basically gives credence to every bullshit theory of Wellstone's life, so take it with a little grain of salt. It does have lots of good links though. Including this one: Wellstone Action!
Go read it and figure it out yourself. The Insane Right in this country hated Wellstone because he wasn't a tool of invisible racist fake god, or of corporate dollars. Funny how that works out isn't it? Don't, whatever you do, read anything about how many fucking Democrats have been killed in plane might make you paranoid.