Bye 05
last post of the year
I've been doing this webpage for a while huh?
This was a tough year, wannit...on a large scale, more Bush, more lies, more death, more dissolution, more rancor and division. Less patriotism and more nationalism. Less sympathy and more warmongering. More dead soldiers and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, and dead everywhere in Africa and Asia. Death for oil continues seemingly unabated.
Hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes, floods, tornados, avalanches, heatwaves, and other disasters have tested everyone's mettle, and cost us precious lives.
We've sent folks abroad to be tortured, we've lost battles, we've lost some of the essential characteristics of American-ness that keep us going.
In a lot of ways it's depressing.
But we've won some battles too, and seen heartening developments. The outpouring of support for victims of disasters was the billions of dollars and millions upon millions of hours of work and aid given by individuals, corporations and government.
The press seems to be painfully awakening from it's long dormancy, pointing out the fables and lies of the most corrupt administration in our nation's brief history.
Labor is slowly advancing, the behemoth structures of the AFL-CIO and others adapting in the face of probable doom...of course, the strength of labor is under the workmen's cap, not the boardroom table, so all those powdered faces at the top are pretty superfluous to begin with. That in a nutshell describes what Labor will have to deal with in the coming years.
Science, under relentless attack from the forces of complete idiocy (intelligent design, anti-global warming, women's "health" morons) is responding, in it's own way, from broadsides and judicial victories against the stpuidity of ID to the constant efforts of environmental scientists.
Maybe there's hope yet. Hang tight, we'll see if the bus heads off the cliff or veers back to safety...