blog pwnage
Ds yr wblg wn y?
Does your weblog own you?
as with most online quizzes it could use a little better inflection, as it were. too many "yes/no" answers to questions that could be "1 through 10".
Here's a kitty.

Labels: intertubes, wang
i am a dirty stinking liberal.
Ds yr wblg wn y?
Labels: intertubes, wang
charles sent me a lyric for a bad religion song, but i've hated bad religion my whole life, so no way. instead i'll put up a Pinback song, because i opposite-hate them.
"Bloods on Fire"
Summer in Abbadon
Brain to head. What is that for?
Vein to vein. Torn and Sore
Carpet so thick and worn
Blanketed, dark, and warm
Break the bed, Burn the floor
Heat to Head. Twisted. Sore
Accident. Never warned
Can't explain. Nevermore
Calm yourself
Calm yourself
Bloods on fire
Bloods on fire
It's not in the spark that's not in your eye
Like we used to talk
It's not in the phrase that's not in the language
That we used to talk
Not in the face, you missed me
It's not in the science that we didn't learn
When we used to talk
Sit outside, penitence, just
Just let me know, Please say the words.
I'm alright, what was that sound?
Woke me up, now you're around
Pick me up, drag me around
Don't forget to breathe now
Calm yourself
Calm yourself
Bloods on fire
Bloods on fire
We all forgot
We're all lost in Autumn
It's not in the dead shocks that dropped underneath us
When we used the car
It's not in the strings we didn't pull
to move you around the floor
Where are you now?
Pacing a faceless maw somewhere vague
You're not outside. You're not inside. You're not anymore
Where did you go?
Here's to the pranks
we never pulled
And never will
Labels: incredibly awesome, lyrics, pinback, rob crow
I know I say it all the time. Roy Edroso put it into comedy summary form:
BROWNBACK: If you're raped, you should have a baby.
ROMNEY: I am recently and totally pro-life.
TANCREDO: I hate Mexicans. These guys love Mexicans.
McCAIN: Well, at least Mexicans aren't Muslims.
ROMNEY: Mexicans shouldn't get a special pathway. Or doorway. Citizenship! (applause)
McCAIN: Why's everyone looking at me? Abortion!
GIULIANI: I'm not soft. I'm hard! I'm America's Mayor! We need tamper proof IDs! And a fence!
HUNTER: I built a motherfucking fence.
PAUL: We really fucked up in Iraq. (applause)
GIULIANI: 9/11! 9/11! (cheers, gunfire)
Labels: fuck the GOP, idiots, politics
I thought my answers were pretty reasonable, I don't consider myself militantly anything, other than militantly pro-Constitution.
You scored as Militant Atheist, Willing to take theists to task, the Militant Atheist is someone who knows deep within themselves that there is no god and they want to tell you all about how they know. Even though they're as annoying in their own way as militant theists, this is often a phase of development and doesn't tend to last very long. If it does, they're in danger of becoming an Angry Atheist and making everyone uncomfortable.
Militant Atheist
67% Angry Atheist
58% Apathetic Atheist
58% Scientific Atheist
58% Spiritual Atheist
50% Agnostic
25% Theist
What kind of atheist are you?
created with
Labels: atheism, monkey testicles, polls
Liberty U student made some napalm and brought it to Falwell's funeral. The reason? Fred Phelps, of the Westboro Baptist Church, which was picketing Falwell for being... a friend of gays. Rrrright. Anyone need any more evidence that Phelps is nuttier than a fuckin huge tractor trailer full of fruitcakes? The special "Extra nuts for nut-lovers!" variety of fruitcake? With boxes made out of nuts?
Jerry Falwell's God
Roy Zimmerman
"Homeland", 2004
Jerry Falwell's god was standing by the elevator while we were talking about the party, so we had to invite him.
Secretly, we were all wishing that he wouldn't come, because he's vengeful and jealous and he tends to smite people.
And, of course, he knew we were thinking that, so it made him all the more determined to show up and punish us.
And I wanted to invite my god, but I couldn't find him.
But, Jerry Falwell's god is hard to miss... the gossamer robe and the beard down to here, and the button that says, "What would Jesus do?"
And sure enough, day of the party, there he was at the door.
And he spoke, spaketh he, saying, "I AM COME."
And I knew there was a joke there... but Jerry Falwell's god will not be mocked.
So I said, "Come in."
Jerry Falwell's god
Jerry Falwell's god
Now, I'm no heavenly host, but I throw a decent party, and there were people of all kinds there — black, white, Swedish, Norwegian, the whole human spectrum.
And right away, Jerry Falwell's god found the two people who would listen to him and began spaking in a voice so loud, it made the Beastie Boys sound like the Vienna Boys Choir.
And he made the lame to walk.
And these were my friends, so they were still lame, but they could walk.
And he turned the loaves to fishes, and the Oreos to Hydrox.
And he divided up the room, divided he, saying "Gays here, lesbians here, pagans here, abortionists, feminists, civil libertarians, People for the American Way," and frankly, some of us did not know where to stand.
I went with the lesbians.
Jerry Falwell's god
Jerry Falwell's god
And he pointed his huge finger at each group in turn, saying, "I blame you, and you, and you, who have secularized society and cast me out of the town square," and I thought, "Man you are the town square."
He said, "Lo, I have lifted the Veil of Protection, for the end days are here, and the judgment is nigh, where I will draw the faithful to heaven and will leave the unrepentant to walk a desolate earth." And I thought, "More polyester for the rest of us."
And he spat fire, and he rained toads, and he brought forth seven bowls of seven plagues, and finally I just said, "Look, I'll tell you one thing Jesus would not do.
Jesus would not wreck a guy's party.
And Jesus would not preach hate.
And Jesus would not stand in the rubble and say, 'I told you so.'
And Jesus would not use an international catastrophe to score points for some misogynistic, narrow, homophobic, anti-Semitic interpretation of his life and teaching.
And if people are jealous and judgmental and vengeful and violent, maybe it's because you made them in your image.
And if people have cast you out of the town square, maybe it's because you are a finger-pointing, moralizing, rageaholic, stone drag who gives deities a bad name!
And if people have turned away from your word, maybe it's because you have spinach in your teeth!"
And he smote me.
Jerry Falwell's god
Jerry Falwell's god
Labels: fred phelps, idiots, jerry falwell, lyrics
"The individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for electors for the President of the United States" (Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 104 [2000]).
Everyone I know who watches Adult Swim will hate me for this, but they just played the dog episode of know the one I'm talking about...and I thought I'd post the lyrics for that song. This link goes to the original song, and here:
If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
'Till you're back beside me, 'till I'm holding you
'Till I hear you sigh here in my arms
Anywhere you wander, anywhere you go
Every day remember how I love you so
In your heart believe what in my heart I know
That forever more I'll wait for you
The clock will tick away the hours one by one
And then the time will come when all the waiting's done
The time when you return and find me here and run
Straight to my waiting arms
If it takes forever I will wait for you
For a thousand summers I will wait for you
'Till you're here beside me, 'till I'm holding you
And forever more sharing your love
And forever more I'll wait for you
John came by on saturday, and we went an got food at la tapatia. they sat us outside next to a bus stop. there were buses coming and going while we were enjoyin our meal. hmph
Labels: John Otter, retarded blog post, survivorman
I know you'll all think I'm nuts but I love this cartoon and the theme as well. It's just awesome. I transcribed the lyrics myself.
Ending theme
Woke up late this morning
clouds were really rolling
frogs and dogs were raining from the sky
everything seems awkward to me
nothing's just as it should be
if this keeps up i surely won't get by
and then i close my eyes and try to smile
i know things are bad and getting worse
but after all this i can rest a while
and then i'll party party!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Shake your tail and you can
Party party!
Join us join us!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Shake your blues away!
Yo, reggae vacation mon!
this party's shakin' and it aint just shakin' me
i see you smilin' grinnin' ear to ear
sing the song and you should really sing it clear
just sing along with us!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Party party!
Join us join us!
Shake your tail and you can
Party party!
Party party!
Party party!