
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Friday, September 28, 2007


I figured out why my feeds weren't working, and it was the same as so many other vexing things in life: stupidity. In this case, my own stupidity, as I changed hosts. The new host has a different "web" folder name, and my stupid ass did not observe this quite completely. So, there we are.

I've got a delicious-smelling beer brewing from a kit i got down at Home Brew Mart by USD. They are run by the same folks who make Ballast Point, which is quite a tasty drink. I've been reading a lot of brewing-related stuff and just enjoying myself in general. The guys in the store were pretty busy and didn't have any time to discuss things, and they forgot to include a spigot that goes into the hole in the bottom of my bottling bucket (which is the bucket you fill the bottles from!). The kit is great, even though I dropped my hydrometer (it's for measuring the "gravity of liquids, basically the density) and left my siphon tube in the sanitizer too long...it turned yellow. Doy. I'm stopping by another home brew store,Hydrobrew in Oceanside, this weekend to replace that stuff.

    Fifty kick-ass kids walked out of the pledge at their high school in Boulder CO to recite their own! via Too Many Tribbles
    The Burmese are finding out liberty is taken, not given...I feel for those people, but until they figure out you have to kick those bastards out on their faces, and never let them back, they'll continute to be oppressed. I mean, come on...they're ruled by fucking generals who staged a military coup. It's not like they took power thinking "Well, I'll just clean up here and then hand everything back". No. They thought "The only think lower than a civilian is a bureaucrat, so we'll kill off a few bean counters, do a little terrorizing, and sit back with the peeled grapes and the looking shiny in new unis game." You know what they do to people who protest? They have them killed.
    Nuns gone wild! (a lot more reading than you probably would think based on the link)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Oy. So, why the fuck is everyone dropping a nut over Ahmadendigjirianad again? Last I checked, he's just a mouthpiece. So is it possible that one mouthpiece (Bush, mouthpiece for multinational corps) is going apeshit (well, through proxies) about another mouthpiece (Ahmeadachoo!geshundtheitiddinendjad, mouthpiece of the psycho fucktard islamodickface mullahs and whatevers), and all because Iranian Mouthpiece took the time to go to Columbia and get yelled at by a university president? Shit, I'd do that, if I got an appearance fee. I'd agree with whatever the dick said.
Trust me, I think Iran's polices towards, well, basically everything are as shitty as they come. I also think that if someone gets invited someplace, you at least treat them with chilly, stupid courtesy. Putting some shmo with a bad beard up on a dias and calling him names is shit-headedness in the extreme. It's stupid. Why not put a cardboard cutout or handpuppet up there? At least you won't stick your idiot face into the fucking-up of diplomacy, which Bush and his craptacular cronies are handling just fine on their own.
And, on top of everything else, this Holocaust-denying, homosexual-executing, mullah-fellating douche DOESN'T EVEN RUN THE COUNTRY that all the neo- and paleo-cons are clamoring to start a new massive money drain in. It's run by a bunch of creepy ayatollahs sitting in, I dunno, temples or some shit. So yelling at the mouthpiece they "elected" is about as useful as yelling at the and puppet I mentioned above. And it might be more useful than yelling at Ahmendihgkdjghfkdjghijan, since the hand puppet may, outside chance, make someone laugh. This Iranian a-hole did, I'll grant him, get a laugh. When asked about the situation of homosexuals in Iran, which executes them, apparently (I haven't looked it up), he said "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country. I don't know who's told you that we have it." The audience at Columbia laughed at that.
This guy is exactly like Borat (add, in Iran, with the power to decide if you live or die), playing chicken in a tiny VW Bug against a massive semi-truck. "We do not have, how you say, homosexual? How tell you this?"
I have no good way to wrap this post up, I'll go on all night if I don't quit.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

mayor sanders

San Diego's Mayor, Jerry Sanders, yesterday made an announcement that he's reversing his position on gay marriage, and supporting it. He said his daughter is gay and he can't maintain his anti-gay-marriage position.
That's good, that he changed positions, and I support that. I think it's a ridiculous position, and have never once heard a reasonable argument for denying gay couples the franchise of marriage. I think it's a contract between two consenting adults and no one should be able to tell them what they can or cannot agree to, period. I think it's a good change for moral reasons. But, so typical of Republicans, he made the change when it was someone in his own family who would be affected by his stance. Not because people in other families would be hurt, of course, but his own kid. His tearful press conference made me kind of annoyed. It looked to me like he was fishing for news coverage of something that common sense should have made him do a long long time ago.
I'm still waiting, by the way, for anyone to offer any reason whatsoever as to why gay marriage should be an issue of government responsibility. Seriously, I've never once seen a reason. Also, I've never seen any proofs for:
Gay marriage hurting heterosexual marriage
Gay marriage failing more than heterosexual marriage
Gay marriage causing more abuse than heterosexual marriage (though this is the only one i've even heard a peep of a rumor of possible actual research into
Gay marriage negatively affecting children more than heterosexual marriage
and so on and so on and so forth. So, in the manner of Babyfight, FUCK YOU you fucking "social conservatives". Give me a fucking reason you prick. You have none. You're basing social policy on NOT LIKING SOMETHING, something that has nothing at all to do with you, and you fucking suck donkey testes.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"Happy Birthday Ralph"
Atom and His Package

Alright, Ralph...happy birthday...you freak...
You're breakin' hearts and you're breakin' guitars
Today's your birthday and you don't even know how old you are
You're in love with every woman from tyler
You went swimming in the ocean with my goddamn dialer
You used to be fat, I think then i liked you best
'Cuz now you're skinny, I'm chubby, and you make fun of my breasts
And I'm sorry, but this may sound weird
But you gotta do something 'bout the food in your beard

Happy birthday, Ralph
I love you
Even though you are fuckin' disgusting
Happy birthday, Ralph
I love you
Even though you are fuckin' disgusting

You can't wear your bike hat because of your hair
Wherever you go, you break everything everywhere
This year, sixth gear, now get on your way
Shut off the stereo chorus, and the digital delay

Some people, they think, they think you're rastafarian
And they ask you for pot
I think i like it, i know i like it
I like it a lot because, because it pisses you off
So for your birthday
I got you some hawaiian punch on tap
So now you can stop borrowing my stuff
And trying your new kung fu moves out on me


Happy birthday, Ralph, I love you
Even though you have a beard (are fuckin')
Happy birthday, Ralph, I love you
Even though you are perverted and weird


Happy birthday, Ralph, I love you

Here's the actual song.

Here's a troublesome live show:

Thursday, September 06, 2007

bruce fuckin campbell

I'm watching bubba ho-tep with charles. Ossie Davis and Bruce Fuckin Campbell, baby.
It's pretty damn good, actually.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007


read it.
the dead can't come back, but we can avenge them.



These guys opened for mc chris the two times I saw him. That's right, I saw mc twice. I'd see him again too. So shut up.

Running, Jumping, Standing Still
The ErgsMyspace
bad youtube, but representative of a show

It's been some time and I don't know
What to do with myself these days
'cause you're out there and I'm lonely
and I swear that I need you here and

I still dream of you at night
And wake up to your goodbye
And I still wanna find a way
To get you here to stay and I

I don't wanna be here without you
I don't wanna be alone tonight

It's been some time and I don't know
What to do with this stupid life
Cause you're somewhere and I'm nowhere
And I swear that I need you here and I
I still dream of you at night
And wake up to you re goodbye
And I still dial your number in my head
But you won't pick up the phone

Morning comes and it's a different girl but the same old story
You're the one
And I'm the zero...

The first song they play in that youtube vid is amazing, even tho the quality is shit on there. I'd recommend the ergs especially for driving...hollering...breaking up.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Do it.


I suck

Here's something to read. Being some smallish part of the "liberal blogosphere", which makes me cringe, I have to admit that in terms of actually doing or accomplishing anything at all, I do indeed suck mightily. I engage in the equivalent of hiding on tall buildings in the war zone and tossing comfy pillows with bitchy messages on them at those I dislike. Written in really stinky marker with dirty words, but still, comfy pillows. I can't even get up enough energy to make a stinking sign, and I have a printer here at work that will print out 24" x 40 feet or so. I could churn out signs galore. But do I? Nah. I suck.
I know other people suck, but that's not the point. Labor Day let me reflect a bit on the fact that there have been people in our country, in the whole world, who fought against corporate overlords and government oppressors to get a little slice of the pie for their families. They put their lives on the line and were quite often injured or killed by those same oppressors. From the Robber Barons to the current New Gilded Age, they stand up to fight the aristocrats. The founders knew that a permanent landed gentry is anathema to a democracy, and built in controls like the estate tax to help against the effects of massive wealth accumulation. The last 50 years of conservatism has been backlash to rebuild the royal class, and it's worked. The next fifty years have to be all-out political effort to return those hard-fought gains to the worker, to the middle class, or democracy will disappear completely, even this sad shell that's left right now.
So fight.

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