
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Monday, June 30, 2008

the tumor list

OK. this is an unpleasant topic, but fuck it, I feel unpleasant right now. Let's say you have a huge tumor in your head. You have long enough to live that, after saying all your goodbyes, you'll have like a week to kill (har har!).
My question is this: providing you have all your faculties, who would you take down with you? There's a few people (hypothetically speaking of course! I'd NEVER HURT A SOUL EVER! (just kidding, I totally would. (Kidding again!))) I'd love to watch issue their death rattle. Evil pricks who feed on the hopes, dreams and good intentions of others and deserve to see hot justice rain down on them. So who's on your tumor list?
Let me know in comments. Comment anonymously if you want. And anyone who says me, come try it, bitches.

(There's a lot of important philosophical issues raised here, and I choose to ignore all of them. After hearing that a crazy homeless guy was sentenced to over four years in prison for threatening to kill Bush, I lost a lot of respect for the morality of law, and the philosophical underpinnings thereof. Fuck, change my mind.)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

ameeeerica...the byoooooteeeefullll

Ah, the system works, don't it?
So a poor, presumably bipolar, HIV-positive homeless guy makes threats against the president. What do we do? Put him in federal prison for 57 months. That will solve the problem.
Who protested, by the way? Anyone?

Wed nezz dee i get to go home!

the poisoners are finally done at my house and i can go home. in celebration, here's a song about going on the road. I smiled more when Books threw up on Brian.
Atom and His Package
"Atom and His Pacakge"
Books my dog, the Box, Brian Sokel and Me

foxy man and the glitter picker upper
foxy man and the glitter picker upper
foxy man and the glitter picker upper

this song serves a purpose
of a character introduction
theres me a boy
in dire need of liposuction
with my pet dog books
shes clumsy and crazy
there's brian, a best friend of mine
since we were babies
and the last character
hes kind of hard to describe
hes made of ceramics
and hes got 6 sides
hes known as a box
touch it feel it green hell
there's something creepy about him
but i like him very well

and this here is a tale
of 2 boys, 1 box, 1 dog
going straight to hell
an adventure, like never before
all cuz its sunny out
and were going on tour

it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me

we got in the car, books was nutso like an ape
and brian unleashed one of his many bad tapes
i was in shotgun
books and box in the back seat
brian touched my thigh
and books threw up all over me

(cant stop the van)repeated

we got to the show
and read our mail
did you know mike parsell
used to be in frail
we set up our amps
and they weighed a ton
books grabbed the bass
and the box got on the drums
the lights went down
we strummed the first chord
we thought the audience could handle it
but then they, they collectively went out of their gourd

it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me

so then we left
we got into the car smilin
i smiled more when books
threw up on brian
and we were on for the next show
and it's over
it's over

it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me
it was books, my dog, the box, brian, sokel, and me

I'll add some media when I can find it.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Friday, June 20, 2008

With the exception

While it's not what it sounds like (the story is actually a bit worse), this quote is hilarious:
“With the exception of the cross-burning episode … I believe John Freshwater is teaching the values of the parents in the Mount Vernon school district,’’ he said.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

wedzdee leewix

Bill Callahan is a pretty interesting musician so far. I heard his song "Vessel in Vain" over the intro scenes to the movie "Dead Man's Shoes", both of which I recommend. I've been checkin out various sites and whatnots. Apparently Callahan writes and performs (or has performed) under the name Smog, and (Smog) in parentheses, in addition to his own name. I found this album under Bill Callahan, and this song really got me going.
He's got a bit of a Nick Cave sound, not as much of a drama queen. The album is from Drag City, which has published a lot of Will Oldham.
Bill Callahan
From the Rivers to the Ocean (listen)
Woke on a Whaleheart

When you were blind, you touch things for their shape
have faith in wordless knowledge

well i can tell you about the river
or we could just get in

the body the rain made of our days before we knew

we are swimming in the river of the rains of our days before we knew
and it's hard to explain what I was doing or thinking before you

I guess I was a decent man holdin' on
followin the river from above
like a bird
have faith in wordless knowledge
and the fallen stars they flew too
and I knew they were sewing something
something well made for me and you

we are swimming in the river of the rains of our days before we knew
and it's hard to explain what I was doing or thinking before you

the city was a fist,
I lived on its wrist
and I took myself a good long look around

and the river grew higher and wider deeper and darker as I was closing in

and it led me to you which led me to say
"let's get

we got in the river and it groped us
made us think of sex between us
in a time in our lives
old before we knew

We were swimming in the rivers of the rains of our days before we knew
and it's hard to explain what i was doing or thinking before you

and that beautiful thing you said
lying in bed
about all the things i could think of
at the end of the day

but of all the places my mind could go
it always comes loping back to you

we are swimming in the river of the rains of our days before we knew
so meet me in the ocean and we'll ride the waves from the river to the ocean
each wave a lunging panther
sharp-eyed and true

we are swimming in the river of the rains of our days before we knew
and it's hard to explain what i was doing or thinking before you
have faith in wordless knowledge
have faith in wordless knowledge

Couldn't find any video of this. I'd recommend listening though.

Speaking of which, Desi's band got a distribution deal, great step right there. Go be friends with her. It's good shit. When I get more of her singing I'll do a weendsdee leyerks with that.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

funny fuckin' sites

steve, Don't Eat It! is funny as fuck. Emily sent it to me. Very reminiscent of old Bad Candy stuff, which is high praise. Not a new concept but well done.
Photoshop Disasters is pretty awesome too. Makes me want to be double extra careful about what I send out. Always fuckin' proof!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Tonight I didn't feel like spending a bunch of dough, so we went with easy and inexpensive. Walked to vons, got some firm tofu, frozen peas, and a cauliflower whatever you call it. I had a curry thing I'd gotten a couple days ago, like a solid candybar of curry. Stir fried the tofu added cauli, stir fried some more, added peas, curry bar and about a cup of water, and simmered. Then I mixed cumin, flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and powder with an egg, halfcup o' yogurt, a little oil and some milk. Mix and a short rest later and I fuckin wrecked my kitchen making fry bread, kinda a poor man's naan. Sprinkled with garlic and chopped cilantro, warmed up some surpringly good uncle ben's instant brown rice, the kind in the orange pak, and combined in a huge pile on the plate. The curry was simmering the whole time I was destroying my kitchen frying bread and was delicious. So, for about $12 I stuffed me and desi silly. The pic is after the fact. Delicious...next time I'm cutting
the rec in half since I made enoug to choke a really fat horse.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Buckwheat pancakes and homemade homefries. Key to not making pancakes too cornbready? Add a little extra milk and make em thinner. Yummy

Thursday, June 12, 2008


my coworker sent me this

not nice!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

science is neat

hey you fuckin godfellaters:
Lenski's experiment is also yet another poke in the eye for anti-evolutionists, notes Jerry Coyne, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago. "The thing I like most is it says you can get these complex traits evolving by a combination of unlikely events," he says. "That's just what creationists say can't happen."

Tee hee!

fuck yeah

Tom Tomorrow so rules.

Friday, June 06, 2008

My friday night

Not a bad way to spend an evening, watching the Pads win with hamcat doing his parrot impression.
there's something majorly nerdy about blogging from your smartphone while sitting IN FRONT OF A LAPTOP. But then...we already knew I'm a god damn nerd, didn't we?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

you know

i know i'm a nerd. i just didn't realize HOW MUCH of a nerd i was til
i found myself doing this post.


if you can read this story and not feel the gravest horror of your life, you're not reading closely enough, or you're a monster.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008



Tuesday, June 03, 2008



Sunday, June 01, 2008

you'll live forever?

you won't.

what are you going to do about it?

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