the tumor list
OK. this is an unpleasant topic, but fuck it, I feel unpleasant right now. Let's say you have a huge tumor in your head. You have long enough to live that, after saying all your goodbyes, you'll have like a week to kill (har har!).
My question is this: providing you have all your faculties, who would you take down with you? There's a few people (hypothetically speaking of course! I'd NEVER HURT A SOUL EVER! (just kidding, I totally would. (Kidding again!))) I'd love to watch issue their death rattle. Evil pricks who feed on the hopes, dreams and good intentions of others and deserve to see hot justice rain down on them. So who's on your tumor list?
Let me know in comments. Comment anonymously if you want. And anyone who says me, come try it, bitches.
(There's a lot of important philosophical issues raised here, and I choose to ignore all of them. After hearing that a crazy homeless guy was sentenced to over four years in prison for threatening to kill Bush, I lost a lot of respect for the morality of law, and the philosophical underpinnings thereof. Fuck, change my mind.)