Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
What's your favorite...
..line from 12 Monkeys?
'I was attacked by a coked-up whore and...some kind of crazy dentist!'
great show
I saw Camper van Beethoven and Cracker with Joey last night at the Belly Up. The crowd was an orderly and mild gang of aging hipsters. I speculated that many a middle-aged man unused to being out, drunk, on a monday, was going to get some tail from the drunk wife that night. I took some pics and video with the phone, but for some reason decided against bringing the teeny tiny 720p video camera I have to the show with me. I think it's because I'm a total genius.
The Belly Up is a pretty decent venue. Last time I went there I saw Physics with Pinback and someone nearly vomited on my shoe.
I love this song. They played it basically like the vid below.
Camper van Beethoven
She Divines Water
Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart
How can I believe that everything in this world is going to be fine?
How can I believe that everything in this world has it's place and time?
When I lay down to sleep, I feel the world spin
Slightly off axis, it's shaped like a fig
And when I lie next to you, I shiver and shake
You tell me you love me, I dream I'm awake
How can I believe that everything in this world is going to be fine?
And how can I believe that everything in this world has it's place and time?
'cause when I lay down to sleep, I have the same dream
Of a world-famous actress in a pink limousine
And she flies through the sky in that pink cadillac
While the boys of the press, we drink vodka in back
And she tells us our fortune by crumbling leaves
And she teaches us card tricks, the jack makes us weak
She divines water by dancing a jig for the boys of the press
She will whistle a pitch
After a good Camper set, they went offstage, changed sweaters, and came back on as Cracker.
Mister Wrong
Well, meet me by the river that goes nowhere.
Let me lay my sorry trip on you.
Won't you meet me by the river, little darling'?
I might just let you see my bad tattoo.
Well I was gonna bring you flowers, but I didn't.
It's the thought that counts and I think I'm a bit too broke.
But there's some change in my ashtray--maybe just enough to pay.
For a half pint of somethin', probably make us choke.
Well you know I'd rather not go and meet your family.
They'd probably send me back where I belong.
Don't want to hear about Mr. Right.
'Cause he's out of town tonight.
Baby come and spend some time with Mr. Wrong.
I drive a one-eyed Malibu without a muffler.
And a tape deck that works if you kick it hard enough.
And baby if you like to read, I've got some great pornography.
And a ten pound flashlight rolling in the trunk.
Well you know I'd rather not go and meet your family.
They'd probably send me back where I belong.
Don't want to hear about Mr. Right.
'Cause he's out of town tonight.
Baby come and spend some time with Mr. Wrong.
Now, do you have a girlfriend and does she look as good as you?
Would she like to meet my brother?
He'll be out of jail in a month or two.
Well you know I'd rather not go and meet your family.
They'd probably send me back where I belong.
Don't want to hear about Mr. Right.
'Cause he's out of town tonight.
Baby come and spend some time with Mr. Wrong.
Where I come from they call me Mr. Wrong.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Have fun at the Pro Bowl

That's what I'd like to think Phillip Rivers said to Jay Cutler during their after-game handshake.
Last loss the Chargers had, Rivers told the press conference (they were 4-8):
"We're going to see what kind of team we have now."
Well, you got an AFC West Champ team, to start. Let's see if they can send Indy home for the second year in a row.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
hoe lee shit
Coal ash spill...500 million gallons into the Tennessee River. Worse than any oil spill ever. More radioactive than nuclear waste.
This shit makes Valdez look like someone forgot to throw down a towel when they were changing the oil on their Dodge.
News media? Hello?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
LEERX- anime style.
the pillows always make me think of FLCL. thinking of FLCL makes me laugh happily and dance around like a dope. i think you can draw your own picture of what happens when i hear this song.
the random english words inserted in the lyrics are excellent too..."LOBSTER!"
ORANGE no SLIDE utsusu sora
SPONGE no PRIDE burasakete
kike totta sono yokan wa
kakusanakuta tte ii n da
iro no tsuita yume mitai na
Ride on Shooting Star
kokoro no koe de sandanjˇ˝ no yˇ˝ ni
utai tsutzuketa
GRUNGE no HAMSTER otona bite
REVENGE no LOBSTER hiki tsurete
fuchi totta sono sekai ni
nani ga mieru tte iu n da
nerau mae ni sawaritai na
Ride on Shooting Star
kimi o sagashite kindanshˇ˝jˇ˝ chˇ˝
uso o tsuita
Ride on Shooting Star
kokoro no koe de sandanjˇ˝ no yˇ˝ ni
utai tsutzuketa
Orange slide, the sky that it reflects
Sponge's pride, being dangled
The apprehension that was caught alive
It's okay even if I don't hide it
I want to have colored dreams
Ride on shooting star
With the voice of my heart, like a shotgun
I kept on singing
Grunge hamster, be grown up
Lobster of revenge, bring it along
I'll say, "What can you see
In that fringed world?"
I want to touch it before I aim for it
Ride on shooting star
Searching for you, and in withdrawal syndrome
I told a lie
Ride on shooting star
With the voice of my heart, like a shotgun
I kept on singing
Sunday, December 14, 2008
to marie
marie put up her favorite BPB song, so here's a kickass Palace Brothers song. My favorite Palace song...that's tough. It could be "Work Hard, Play Hard", or "New Partner", or "Cat's Blues". Those are all off of Viva Last Blues which I consider one of the greatest albums ever laid down by humanity. Will has shitloads of great songs though...there's too many to list, really.
I am one old fucktard for thinking of Bonnie "Prince" Billy as "Will Oldham's new stuff". The only time I saw Will live was at the old Off the Record in Hillcrest, and I didn't even know who he was, like 20' away, so I listened to two or three songs, went next door to a gay bar and drank. They had football on. Gay bars are, in the end (haha) still full of guys.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Ohai Huckabee, I'm Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart had Mike Huckabee on, and let him yammer on and on about his bullshit traditional values con job, then slapped him around like a rented mule over his hypocrisy and stupidity. It was nice.
I don't know if the leaders of religious movements will ever understand how stupid they sound, yelling about how they're being unfairly portrayed, when they spend so much time and effort forcing the tenets of their own LIFESTYLE CHOICE on others. I do think the followers of those people are getting there.