Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
do it
January 25th...vote for mc chris. You bitches know you have to. mc does more to keep us from being complete losers than any other single factor in the universe. January 25th. there will be reminders.

Thursday, January 19, 2006
all i've been writing are depressing angry political posts, so I'm going to write something else.

i don't feel funny today. I don't feel all that healthy either. I feel kind of like...a squishy apple. like, you can still make delicious apfelpfannkuchen out of me, but you couldn't just take a bite.

In apple-related news, Apple computer released new iMacs with Intel processors, and the worst-named Apple laptop of all time, the fucking MacBook Pro.

I don't know why, but that name fucking pisses me off so bad. It's supposedly a pretty good laptop. It's the first portable with the Intel "dual core" processors. They say it's four times faster than the same clock speed PowerPC laptops, which makes me wonder why they claimed the PowerPC laptops were faster than the Pentiums.
Are you a bottom or a top?
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gotta love it.
Number One story no one wants to talk about: Medicare is fucking killing people thanks to Bush. His half-assed attempts to add money to the pockets of Big Pharma, hell anyone you can add a "Big" in front of (with the exception of Big Labor), have resulted in a cockup of enormous proportions. Though I can't find news of anyone dying because of it, it's not working how they said it would. People are not eligible, in some cases, for drugs they've received for years. It's pissing people off, too. This can be a major issue to wake people up about the crapfactory they've allowed to be built in Washington. The "I vote GOP because I always have" mentality might just take a blast in the face, here, because this is ALL GOP.
Abramoff will hopefully add more fuel to the already-large "GOP Corruption" fire burning. Don't forget "Duke"! He's up for sentencing soon. Gotta keep his ugly bribe-taking mug in the news.
God these fucking corrupt pricks fill me with rage. Hmm...something funny. Shit. I can't think of anything. sigh
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Say what now?
Bush sez: "I was elected to protect the American people from harm."
What a load of horsehit. Of course, in this context he's justifying warrantless, unaccountable spying on civilians. Basically spying by executive order, ergo, dictatorship. Not far up the slope from "disappearing" dissidents, or mass graves in the desert.
Of course it's a violation of the law, and of course, one-party Republican strokers are falling all over themselves explaining how Dear Leader has every right to spy on whomever he chooses, regardless of the situation, because it's a "national security" issue. Talk about originalists. These people are original totalitarians.
But back to the "I was elected to protect the American people from harm" comment. As a matter of fact, no. No you were not. Here's the oath he swore:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Note he's defending the fucking Constitution, as befits the Chief Executive of the United States. It's good of them to do their utmost to protect us as well, but I'd feel more secure if the President was protecting the Constitution, as his job description states. We have institutions to protect us, institutions that work best when pestered by citizens. Frankly, I don't think Bush has time to protect me and do the rest of his work, right? He'd be following me everywhere. That would get annoying too. I'm betting there'd be an assload of Secret Service guys and reporters too. Then there's the other 300 million people who need protecting. He'd be stretched pretty thin.
Thus, I'll lean on the police for basic deterrence, and my own wits and feet for the rest of it. I expect a lot of you do the same.
Digby, as usual, has an excellent post explaining some hilarious parts of the macho GOP's complicity in granting Emperor Bush complete power...here's the end of it:
Very moving, no? All those fine words about the rule of law safeguarding our liberties, the arbitrary exercise of power and Bunker Hill, Lexington and Normandy went right out the window on 9/11. That was when Henry and the rest of his stalwart defenders of the rule of law promptly wet their pants and then let their president use the constitution to clean up the puddle.
Go read digby, and give him money, he's worth every penny.