
das fiten babeez

i am a dirty stinking liberal.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Karen Hughes is a fucking moron.

UNDER SECRETARY HUGHES: I haven’t really heard a lot of that. I had one person at one lunch raise the issue of the President mentioning God in his speeches. And I asked whether he was aware that previous American presidents have also cited God, and that our Constitution cites “one nation under God.” He said “well, never mind” and went on to something else. So he sort of was trying to equate that with the terrorists’ (inaudible). So I explained that I didn’t really think that was something you could equate. And he sort of dropped it and moved on. He was one of the opposition leaders in Egypt.

The constitution doesn't mention the word "God" anywhere at all. Not once.

This not only the most corrupt and immoral administration ever, it's the stupidest as well. When you give everything over to partisan gain, what else is going to happen?

Whenever these creeps bring up the Constitution, I always think of Bush violating it in his drive to privatize (read: Destroy) Social Security. Specifically this part:
Amendment XIV, Section 4.: The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Bush of course yammered and yelled about how the Social Security trust fund was "nothing but a file cabinet full of IOU's". Those "IOU's", of course, being fucking U.S. Guaranteed public fucking debt, the fucking motor that runs half the fucking world's economy. But whatever. This president violated the tenets of the Constitution in clear, unvarnished tones, meaning to score cheap points in a dog-and-pony show. Whatever. A democrat probably would have done the same shit.

But you know what? A democrat would have done something that you'd have to think to figure out. He or she would do something devious and richly detailed. For Bush, and his cronies like Karen Hughes (former speechwriter, by the way), its just crass money grubbing for the already fabulously wealthy.

That's their game. I mean, think about it...if you had to pick between being good for poor people, who would give you shit all the time, and being evil for entirely fucking wealthy people, who would give you free stuff all the time, what would YOU pick? Of course, all of this is relying on there being no god, which I think we all know the answer to.

Anyways, it's Friday. I hope I catch some lobster tonight. You know why? I wanna eat lobster. I like it. I don't like paying 50 semolians at the restaurant for lobsters though. So lets all say a quiet little prayer to the Lobster God for his beneficience. May he rest his kindly barnacle-encrusted razor-sharp claw upon our supplicating brow and deliver unto us the flesh of his children. Amen.

Monday, September 26, 2005

got a new car

Not exactly this one, but close:

Mine needs some work, but it was 2800 with 124K miles, not bad for a 15-year-old car.
Runs good, AC is wore out. a few minor dings and scrapes. I had it for less than 24 hours before I spilled most of an espresso mocha on the front seat. NICE.

(Note: I replaced the car picture with the 20 dollar timing belt I could have replaced.)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

weird weird

the world seems to be getting weirder. I'm feeling off, tilted, muddy

i keep hearing sirens at all hours, and tires screeching at night. i'm not sure what is happening. my thoughts turn to fresh water and canned goods and LED flashlights and hand-cranked radios. candles. lots of candles. and then i wonder, why do i bother? do i want to live through whatever's coming?

i think about my kiddo and i want her to live, she deserves to make her own mind up. i think about the various women in my life, mom, fiancee, daughter and i want them alive. my brother and his wife and daughter and son, they should live...it pulls me through when i believe that it will be a mushroom cloud, or an earthquake, or an invasion

i realize a lot of the thoughts are crazy, but why not. maybe i'm crazy. i'm cool with that

i hurt a lot. my back hurts and my neck, they've been hurting like this for over a month now. my doctor said to come back when i had something real wrong with me. it still hurts. he was the one with the unsecured windows machine in his examination room who got mouthy with me when i said he shouldn't have explorer running unsecured on his network. whatever. he also jammed a metal swab in my pee hole. that hurts. he did warn me, it wasn't like he just attacked randomly. imagine how complicated that would be to mug someone with a swab.

i'm becoming more disillusioned with electoral politics, at least as practiced now. i don't think that focusing on the ballot box will change much. we need to change the systems and machines. voting new people into a corrupt and corrupting system will only produce more corrupt people, which we have a surplus of now, thanks

i want to get a cat, or a little dog, but i can't even keep my plants alive. how would i care for a dog? am i still patient enough to deal with something as uniquely stupid/smart as a dog? will i toss the bastard into traffic the fiftieth time it craps all over my shoes or eats a hole in the screen door?

i'm worried i'm a weakling, that i've got heart disease. i worry i'll get bird flu.

someone left a copy of adbusters on the check-out rack at major market, which has never sold adbusters, and i bought it. i wonder how they'll reconcile that in their inventory. probably easily. what a lame thing to think about. how did i get so lame? i wish i had a gigantic duck i could ride around on like a flying horse. imagnine the racket.

my car is still crushed all to hell, and i have no replacement, just the new champion of shitty rental cars, the chevy classic. i wonder if my LDW covers driving it over a cliff into the ocean? i'm still bummed i left a cd in the bimmer

i hope all those poor fuckers in texas and lousiana are safe. what a kick in the balls. increases in extreme weather events are a hallmark of global climate change, predicted for 20 years, you know.

it'll all be okay

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Looley loo

This is quite how i feel right now.

Wednesday is getting me down. I was so close to calling in sick, but shit, I can't miss work. I mean, physically, it's maddening to me if I miss work. I get queasy. When did I turn into that guy? I remember being a total fuckup in younger days. Now I'm all responsible and shit (so responsible I'm writing blog posts on the job...but I'm here dammit).

We watched Donnie Darko the other day, and it was cool, I'd never seen it. Anyone have a good solid summary of the plot? I believe it was something like, time anomaly, donnie's the guide, or whatever mullet lady called it, he has to die so the universe is not destroyed.


Thursday, September 15, 2005


I don't know what its in reference to, but this jersey was rockin...

Note: It's supposed to say "Diplomats".

make what you will.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

So sad.

In case anyone was wondering.

I cry fat hot tears.

From Kos, from someone else...

Read the crawl on the bottom. So very fuckin' true.
I got this from here.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Get ready for the smooth taste of Cronyism

Here we go! There is no tragedy monumental enough that politicians won't attempt to make a buck on it, from both parties. Of course, the GOP has elevated graft and corruption to an artform, rivalling the old Democratic Machine. These days, it's a lot more entertaining to watch the ruthless Machiavellian crap-a-thon that is the modern Republican party than to watch the mewling kittens of the Democrats. And of course by fun I mean "trying to hold down the vomit and tears".

Just keep your eyes open for fun instances of graft, profiteering, and even more racism! Let me know when you see 'em. Also, politcal photo-ops for Bush that cause rescue equipment to be grounded in deference to His Fucking Majesty George the Fucking Second, may he shit glass:

...for the entire time Bush was in the state, the congressman said, a ban on helicopter flights further stalled the delivery of food and supplies.

You know, this shit has been going on for hudreds of years, and will continue. If you're worth less than 80 mill, or are Black, Brown, Yellow or Red, you do not matter one god damn to the ruling elites. Period. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we change it.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

So funny

The definition of "contradiction in terms"

Total hilarity. I cannot believe what a load these people are...I found this image, a blatant contradiction in terms, at a website dedicated to "Stopping the ACLU", from, I suppose, defending people's constitutional rights. People like noted Leftist Rush Limbaugh.

Anywhoo, apparently "Professor" Reynolds at the craptacular crapstand Instapundit said that attacking the ACLU was "a bit silly", and caused a shitstorm to erupt in the tiny minority of furious right-wingers hunkered down in mom's basement their fallout shelters because, well, shit! the ACLU supports witches! And it doesn't kowtow to churches! The ACLU refuses to have their actions determined by corporate money! That means they support terrorists!

Don't look now, but the class war is beginning to come through even more clearly. The elite are finding it harder to distract the masses, and the buffer zone of "barely acceptables", like Mr. I-Hate-The-ACLU and, say, Sean "Retarded Bag of Human Excrement" Hannity is getting thinner as the craziest depart rightwards to militia-land. Letting the press corps get to such an elite state was likely a strategic slipup in the longterm goals of the money classes, as they are less aspiring to that prize...thus more interested in bennies than in getting their hands dirty. As a result the critical task of manipulating the weak masses goes to second-rate hacks like Hannity, Scarborough, and the execrable Bill O'Reilly. They only know how to do this job through crude, violent rhetorical measures. That and lying. So it weakens the barely-not-poor buffer of the kind-of accepted and allows the hatred of the trod-upon to show.

I'm reading a book about early 1800's labor agitation, and fucked if it isn't almost exactly the same. Wait til gas prices skyrocket further, and wages decrease, and we see bread lines again. Not that it'll hurt, say, Bush or Cheney, but lord amighty it'll hurt you. And me, and the barely-nots and the barely-acceptables. Then watch what happens. Fucking chaos.

Seriously, stock up on clean water.

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