no one ever believes me
I say "Bush is one insane motherfucker, he's going to try and set his own ass up as Emperor" five years ago, and no one cares. Then he goes and decides he can interpret laws as he wants to, based on his "signing statements", a bare-assed usurpation of Legislative and Judicial powers. He decides the Constitution doesn't apply to him, and suspends the First through Fourth, except of course for Mr. Second.
I said a while ago that corporations would try to take over our lives. No one believed me. Well, that's starting too. Look at this. Telcos are trying to gain the right to block content they don't like on the internet.
That's right. They don't like it, for whatever reason, they block it. So they don't like it because it's illegal. "Cool!" you say, " that would stop nasty shit!" Right. So, now that the process is established, they don't like something because its...against their financial interests? Like, say, union negotiators posting information for members on their site? Or whistleblowers calling attention to a defective product of an affiliated subsidiary?
So, they don't like that. Why can't they block it?
What happens, say, if they, as in the telcos, don't like YOU?
Just saying.