I bet some people think I'm harsh, or kidding, or whatever, when I say christers are crazy or delerious or ignorant. Well I'm not. They are all of that.
In the best of cases it's a mild mental illness, which causes only slight problems with say, nudity in a movie, or a subtle stiffening of the neck when someone says "Holy fucking Jesus in a tomcat's ass!" or the like.

Though no one has ever said that, it's pretty funny. and it would piss off a mild xtian.
At worst, however, we have militant, angry, "thoughtful" right-wing nutjobs. While not the only nutty wing of christianity (look at some of the crap that went on in the 60's on the left wing fringe...eek), it is the most violent by far, and the most "borg"-like of all. The rightwing nutjob "christian" wears his faith on his sleeve, and his contempt of your faith even plainer, someplace like on his hat, near the "NOTW" logo. Why, to them, it's not even conceivable that there could be anyone who wouldn't want to be a "christian" like them. And they're willing to spend decades to make it come true.

If you mention Jesus in a cat's ass of either gender to these guys you're going to get attacked, probably with a crudely-fashioned cross made out of any nearby furniture.
The assualt on evolution, though it's flying wildly off the mark due to the attacker's own idiocy, is symptomatic of this particular mental illness. Evolution, of course, needs no defending...it'll keep on doing what it does whether religious fundies like it or not. Imagine their frustration, a hundred years from now...

"Fuck," says "Chris T Anne", the Scientest, "we did everything we could...but look at this fucking lizard! It's distinctly different from it's forebears, and is more efficient at catching food! you son of a bitch lizard!"

Bonus Points! See if you can see this lizard's adaptation for increased feeding and mating success!
Indeed, evolution is safe. our children's heads, however, are not. I truly believe that the anti-science forces of the world would have kids reading out of textbooks that had "Leader"-like answers if they could...
Teacher: "Who makes thunder and rain?"
Student: "Jesus, ma'am"
Teacher: "Very good." 
Holy crap! Well, yes, on a lot of levels I guess, that is holy crap. but I digress. The greatest irony of the world, or at least bad coincidence...everyone misuses the term irony and I think I just did, damn my peasant brain...is that evolution works very well indeed even for the hive-mind "christians" propagating their insipid ideas about "intelligent design" and "creationism". How cool would life be if a scientific and logical approach to life was the most important aspect of evolution? One can dream.
All these various forms of "christian" should be avoided at all cost, like a jar of spoiled mayonnaise. Actually, if you have one handy, throw it at the next evangelical you see. They probably did something to deserve it.
And if you live in the South, well...I'm sorry.
You're fucked. Anyways,
we all know how it really went down.